Example sentences of "on [adj] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Inspired by the work of Florence Nightingale in the Crimea , she was determined to become a nurse , and eventually , in 1860 , she overcame her mother 's opposition and embarked on eight months ' training at Kaiserswerth .
2 Barbara Conway , the former Daily Telegraph journalist , who was until recently publicity officer of the new watchdog over the financial services industry , The Securities and Investment Board ( SIB ) , has criticised the practices of Harvard Securities over a period of years in her reporting based on private investors ' comments .
3 This view led to the first restrictions on private members ' capacity to interrupt or hold up business whenever they liked — or whenever they could get the House to listen to them , for there was always considerable self-discipline .
4 In response to parliamentary questions , demanding that the government introduce their own bill rather than relying on private members ' initiatives , the Home Office made its familiar position clear : ‘ We strongly support the proposed Bill … but do not see how it is possible for the Government to undertake legislation . ’
5 Conferred temporary and somewhat metaphysical diplomatic immunity by the embrace , the would-be emigrant and the diplomat walked , with their arms on each others ' shoulders , into the embassy .
6 Arabian oryx also lick the dew that may accumulate on rocks and on each others ' hair , as the humid air from the Arabian Sea rolls in at night .
7 ‘ Chubby ’ Eliot and self had a bit of a dogfight for a while trying to get on each others ' tails as we were not certain the other was not a 109 until we saw the roundels . ’
8 creating opportunities and providing conditions in which teachers can spend more time working together , sharing problems , commenting on each others ' performance , and collaborating in curriculum planning .
9 His strength of character was invaluable in dealing with the guards and his commitment to his fellow hostages was such that he would listen quietly and matter of factly on the occasions when we all had a heart-to-heart about the little ways in which we got on each others ' nerves .
10 Ironically , if — as is not unlikely — Jason Leonard and Nick Popplewell go as the loose-heads , it is Wright who could cost Probyn his seat on that Lions ' plane .
11 Still , after such an accolade , their next conquest should surely be a performance on perennial kiddies ' fave , Top Of The Pops .
12 Still , after such an accolade , their next conquest should surely be a performance on perennial kiddies ' fave , Top Of The Pops .
13 Many companies are now acting on top executives ' concern over education by forging closer ties with schools through compacts , which link performance at school to job or training opportunities .
14 Accountants ' reports on unincorporated businesses ' accounts are currently referred to as ‘ audit reports ’ by many , including many banks and other lenders .
15 As well as authorising German-style universal banking in general , Italy 's version of Europe 's new rules will sweep away restrictions on commercial banks ' ownership of industrial companies .
16 ‘ That issue a couple of months ago was far too soft on transnational corporations ' involvement with the Latin American military . ’
17 The working party 's remit was sufficiently wide-ranging to permit examining almost anything that had a bearing on chartered accountants ' training .
18 Financing such payments ( which frequently would take the form of annuity payments by the firm out of its profits or an annuity contract purchased by the firm ) was never easy and reliance had to be placed on incoming partners ' immediate capital contributions .
19 On non-executive directors ' role , commented that ‘ in a unitary board both executive and non-executive directors are responsible for the board decision and the board as a whole is responsible when wrong decisions are made .
20 Some examples of the use to which the SERRL database has been put are : the examination of the accessibility of small and medium-sized towns to the motorway and trunk road network in promoting population growth , the analysis of the hinterlands of each of the 900 stations on British Railways ' South Eastern Region , and updating the urban/rural boundary lines using remotely-sensed data .
21 Civil servants sit as non-executive directors on some firms ' boards .
22 I had to stand in front of the whole school which gave me ample opportunity to observe the envy on some girls ' faces because knitting for the troops was a popular pastime then .
23 The election 's last-minute switch to Labour probably reflected a genuine desire on some voters ' part to get the Tories out .
24 Pembroke Gate is on English Estates ' portion , Chatham Maritime , leaving the Gillingham Gate as the only access to the dock company 's undertaking .
25 Our ongoing successes with and the acquired rights directive will eventually put a halt to the attacks on public workers ' rights .
26 And on old Hiems ' thin and icy crown ,
27 Er the er the breeders ' evening now what happened on this breeders ' evening is that the they run the raffle then give us our expenses out of it so that eleven pound eighty is the is the part of the raffle proceeds which we need to , to e to er for our expenses , you 'll see on the other side erm that we spent that eleven eighty , six eighty for er refreshments and five pound for the rent .
28 Held , allowing the appeal , that it was a requirement of all leases and tenancy agreements that the term created was of certain duration ; that the lease purportedly created under the memorandum of agreement , being for an uncertain period , was void and the land was held on a yearly tenancy created by virtue of the tenant 's possession and payment of yearly rent , on such terms of the memorandum of agreement as were consistent with a yearly tenancy ; and that , accordingly , since the term preventing the landlord from determining the tenancy until the land was required for road widening purposes was inconsistent with the right of either party under a yearly tenancy to determine it on six months ' notice , the plaintiffs ' tenancy had been lawfully determined ( post , pp. 283B–C , F–G , 284G–H , 285E–F , 286E–F , H — 287B , G–H ) .
29 At the time she was on six months ' leave from WWF International 's Swiss office , where she heads the conservation news service and edits WWF News .
30 They include ratios measuring return on investment ( both on ordinary shareholders ' funds and on the total net assets employed ) , margins on sales and measures of stock holdings and trade credit extended .
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