Example sentences of "with more [noun] than " in BNC.

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1 With more secrets than Pandora 's Box , they give absolutely noting away .
2 Instead she said quietly , and with more patience than she felt , ‘ Victoria , your father will not only be annoyed if you do n't go to the party tonight , he 'll also be extremely upset .
3 ‘ OK , ’ says I with more composure than a Confucian in a comfort station .
4 More to the point , does anyone have a bet with more success than i do ( should n't be difficult ) .
5 In October 1938 , a second attempt was made to secure a united opposition to a National candidate , this time with more success than at Aylesbury .
6 One ufologist who collects information with more purpose than most is Ken Phillips , a downbeat ex-teacher who runs a support group for British abductees .
7 1991 was the worst year of the current 30-year pandemic of cholera , with more cases than in the past five years combined .
8 Or perhaps through erm corruption in that the landlords are paying backhanders to them so that the landlords were left in effect with more land than they ought to have been .
9 Truly a top class outfit with more experience than you can shake a stick at .
10 Moreover , there is no one in all Chung Kuo with more experience than the Marshal .
11 Then later , as his speed and timing improve and after gaining a certain amount of success over his own ranks , he can go a step higher and spar with a student with more experience than himself .
12 Well , so long as no one tells Phena , everything should be all right , should n't it ? ’ she asked with more hope than expectation .
13 But she was also distant kin to the Sheriff of Gloucester , and thus treated with more consideration than Isabel .
14 ‘ Ease up on the populace , creeps , ’ said I with more heroism than an entire Audi Murphy season .
15 In spite of these problems which suggest that the data should be interpreted with more caution than other information that originated in the WHO collaborative studies , the effect of maternal age on early and intermediate fetal mortality is unmistakable .
16 Years of dieting and exercise had banished that slight stodginess for ever ; now her body looked lithe and firm , yet still blessed with more curves than Paula 's had ever been , as much a denial of her years as her face .
17 Baldwin showed them some of the curiosities of the house and gave them tea in the Long Gallery , which lie described with more pride than accuracy as ‘ the finest room in England ’ .
18 Other changes are also required to reverse the trend towards centralisation and authorities with more responsibility than power .
19 And while they charge the teacher with more responsibility than has sometimes been customary in the past , they also bring corresponding rewards in the way of job satisfaction and self-esteem .
20 You may also have to pay an extra charge if you take equipment back with more damage than when you took it out ( make sure any damage is recorded when you pick up the goods ) and if the equipment is so dirty that it requires cleaning .
21 It was a bigger race , she was on a better horse , maybe she had ridden with more coolness than usual thanks to the emergency prescription of Dr Cy McCray .
22 Men with more sense than we ever had .
23 Now the view er was that they were dignified and above taking action and also in the sense that the public was credited I think with more sense than to believe everything and that the public memory is relatively short and therefore if you start a court action and you then have coverage in the court action , you are merely making the thing worse erm sometimes the things that some people may have thought were highly actionable one day , become almost a joke and something of affection later on and you can , one of the classics maybe is about the Prince of Wales talking to his plants , now that a national joke and he will make jokes about it in speeches
24 He began the campaign with more support than all his rivals combined , but it has trickled through his fingers .
25 Typical is Arthur Seton in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ( 1960 ) , described by the film 's director Karel Reisz , as ‘ a sad person , terribly limited in his sensibilities , narrow in his ambitions and a bloody fool into the bargain ’ who ends up throwing a stone towards the housing estate that is his final destination , declaring with more bravado than honesty , ‘ It wo n't be the last one I 'll throw . ’
26 Within three weeks I had handed in my dissertation , Lorne had assembled the rudimentary equipment , and with more bravado than common sense we found ourselves on the island of Celebes in the South China Sea .
27 This came out with more bravado than Sally-Anne really felt , and had she seen him more clearly before she intervened she might not have said anything at all .
28 Now Mr Albert , with more ability than Hank thought such an old fogey could exhibit , had shown him that he could look quite as dignified as Captain Dawson , not a bent peasant like Grandfather Palichuk or a rugged , outdoor type like his father , but a very respectable townsman called Hank Stych .
29 He scrambled over the wall and fell with more haste than skill into the enclosed , sun-warmed garden below .
30 They walked on either side of me and talked to each other , jabbering utter nonsense as though it was all so important , and I , with more brains than the two of them put together and information of the most vital nature , could n't get a word out .
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