Example sentences of "with only [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ruth stood still — wondering , with only a kind of weariness , at what point she 'd determined to return into that burning castle for Adam .
2 Moreover , by adopting too clinical a scientific strategy , the spiritually enriching value in having an ecologically healthy and varied countryside for people with only a modicum of scientific knowledge , have been overlooked .
3 They were step-brothers , Sir Henry and our Mr Merrivale , with only a year or two 's difference in their ages . ’
4 After 1739 this all came to an end , and Britain spent the next quarter-century at war with France , directly or by proxy in the colonies , with only a year or two of armed truce .
5 As the last wave periscoped up , with only a minute or so left in the heat , Pottz knew he had to take it : he needed a fourth wave to beat Carroll .
6 With only a minute to half-time Carol Burns made it four , and just into the second-half Rhoda Campbell added another .
7 And so might his son have been and remained , with only a duchy to administer , but a kingdom was a different thing .
8 Their trick is to have a very loosely connected skin , so free from the underlying tissue that a sudden gripping pressure can break it away , leaving the killer with only a mouthful of the instantly shed skin .
9 " The people " can not be equated with only a majority of them , nor can " government by the people " be equated with government by the majority , let alone the representatives of the majority .
10 He outlined his plans and , with only a day to prepare , the camp erupted into activity .
11 Equipped with only a telephone , he buys money with money , sells money for money .
12 With only a degree of oversimplification , his general conclusion can be summarised as saying that whatever is happening in the built environment will eventually be resolved to the benefit of the undifferentiated interests of capital in general , even if that resolution generates further problems that have to be resolved in turn .
13 The building work was not complete — indeed , the kitchen was not finished until January , and we had to survive with only a gas primus stove .
14 Then she sat at the big table with only a pot of tea for herself while Frankie and his father cleared their plates in silence .
15 The cells are completely bare , some with an iron bedframe bolted to the floor , others with only a mattress and plastic bowl , pot , and that 's it .
16 The years of abundance in America began in 1950 with the defence expenditure triggered off by the Korean War , and the boom continued with only a hiccup or two of recession in 1954 and 1958 .
17 You receive this splendid , full colour magazine four times a year , with only a proportion of the postage costs coming from your subscription .
18 After hearing that they had been attending a high school graduation party , they were released by the judge on the condition that they were each driven to their parents ' home exactly as they appeared in court — with only a blanket for
19 An analysis by the sex of children showed no significant differences between those with a son or sons only and those with only a daughter or daughters .
20 He was mad with anger and jealousy , so he locked her in the tower , with only a spinning-wheel for company .
21 An envelope arrived with only a receipt inside , it was for the ruby ring .
22 Only then , as they swung in a half-circle with a hiss of blades between them , changing places on the slope like a pair of dancers with only a foot of air separating their faces , did Isambard know his mason again .
23 With only a widow 's pension , where could she go ?
24 The Greece that got away from the Turks was a country of peasants , local clan chieftains and Orthodox priests , with only a sliver of a mercantile and professional upper class .
25 Maud waited patiently for him to finish , with only a sliver of dread , and they came back together to London .
26 The village was quiet with only a couple of old men sitting on a bench outside the church as we drove through the gates of the big house and along the road through the village , passing the Chateau where the Commando dead had been placed on the front lawn shortly after we had entered the village , and during the bitter fighting of the first ten days .
27 He said : ‘ We have dominated our last two games and come out with only a couple of points .
28 ‘ In some cases managers are stuck in the middle of supporters with only a couple of inches of space between them , ’ said chief executive John Camkin .
29 The fact that the Ceauşescus had countless colour televisions added to the perverse aspect of their superabundance since ordinary Romanians had to put up with only a couple of hours of black-and-white television each day — and that largely devoted to the doings of the residents of the Palaţul Primaverii .
30 It is a skill I have honed on a host of beautiful staircases and , before tonight 's professional debut , my most singular success has been at a large hotel in Sloane Street where we just chose Miss London.The marble stairs to the entrance hall are just too perfect to ignore , with only a couple of people chatting on the right halfway down.I take the left hand course and soar down and round the gentle curve in nothing short of majestic style , allowing myself the luxury of a smile and a brief wave to the startled pair as I rattle by .
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