Example sentences of "with [det] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 What with that and a few crazy reports to him about my off-duty life-style flying about he decided United and me were going nowhere together .
2 Blindfolded and presented with this and a Def Leppard album , sensible money could be put on 80 per cent of those challenged failing to tell the two apart .
3 With this and a later inheritance he was able to indulge his passion for science by organising what might be considered the forerunners of today 's scientific conferences .
4 With this and a preliminary draft of the expenditure plans , ministers had to go on arguing until they reach an agreed compromise .
5 By 1987 more than half of Scottish consultant psychiatrists were spending some time each week in primary care settings compared with fewer than a fifth in England and Wales .
6 On Orkney 's west coast cliffs we filmed the memorial to Lord Kitchener and the men of the Hampshire which had struck a mine near the shore in 1916 and gone down with all but a handful of survivors ; in the Flow we spoke to divers still bringing up steel and copper from the Kaiser 's sunken High Seas Fleet ; and on the island of Lamb Holm on the eastern side we filmed a sequence of the little Catholic chapel , fashioned out of a Nissen hut by Italian prisoners-of-war who had built a causeway linking the islands after Prien 's successful foray in U.47 against the Royal Oak .
7 Are not politics bound up with all that a woman is most concerned with — housing , food prices , the education of her children , the health of her family ?
8 ‘ You 're still applying for the wrong jobs , ’ she said , with more than a hint of exasperation .
9 Within two years he had so firmly established himself that he was able to bring to Canada his wife and young son , Lyon , where they settled happily , first at Maberly , Ontario , then in Montreal , a home with more than a touch of aristocratic manners and style .
10 On the plus side the harness and especially the hip belt is extremely comfortable , its extra wide shape wrapping round the hips with more than a hint of luxury .
11 This was augmented by Hastings 's conversion and two penalties , and only now , with more than a quarter of the match gone , did France pull themselves together and begin to pull back the Lions ' lead .
12 In the middle of the spectrum , however , are perceptions with more than a hint of approval or disapproval implicit in them : perceptions of each party 's electoral chances ; perceptions of whether national economic performance and prospects are improving or declining ; and images of the parties and party leaders .
13 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
14 ‘ I ca n't tell you here , ’ Bodo muttered , with more than a touch of impatience .
15 Lewis 's popularity was part of this , and it was with more than a scent of victory in the air , victory over the agnostics and freethinkers , that he consented to be involved with the foundation of the Socratic Club in Oxford in 1941 .
16 Thomson recreates the Australian Fifties with more than a cursory skill and catches the censorious , more petit bourgeois than the English tone of the times well enough to convince .
17 This is a rich , satisfying casserole with more than a taste of the exotic , but which could be included in nearly any dinner party menu .
18 She asked with more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice .
19 Numbers of influential visitors to Germany , mostly connected with commerce , the aristocracy , or both , came back with more than a little sympathy for what Hitler was achieving .
20 He gave it the significance of a personal belief and turning lazily in his chair to inform Charles with more than a trace of arrogance , ‘ Old Guards ’ proverb . ’
21 By now there were fewer paeans of praise to fecundity in the magazines ; instead they were asking ‘ Why Young Mothers Feel Trapped ’ ( Redbook ) or , with more than a hint of desperation , offering ‘ 58 Ways To Make Your Marriage More Exciting ’ ( Newsweek ) , Graduate wives complained bitterly , especially in the Guardian , of living like cabbages .
22 The widely-held fears stem from the reasonable assumption that an independent or a devolved Scotland would be incapable of existing without considerable handouts from Whitehall and would have an administration with more than a left-wing tinge .
23 The preliminary results , particularly in Teheran , indicate Iranians ' weariness with more than a decade of revolutionary turmoil and a desire to rebuild the economy following the eight-year war with Iraq .
24 Towards the close of A Call to the Unconverted you can well imagine tears rolling down his cheeks as he pleads with his hearers , ‘ If I came hungry or naked to one of your doors , would you not part with more than a cup of water to relieve me ?
25 Drew claimed , with more than a little documented substantiation , to be directly descended from Peregrine White , the first white man to be born in America .
26 fewer lone mothers worked part-time , about a quarter , compared with more than a third of married mothers .
27 In teacher-training colleges lecturers have new theories of history that do away with the learning of ‘ facts ’ in favour of imaginative identification with more than a little colouring from the modern stereotypes that possess their own imagination .
28 ‘ My bag ! ’ she said out loud and then , more softly but with more than a touch of anguish , ‘ Oh no , the letter ! ’
29 ‘ Pardon me if I write vehemently , ’ he apologized disingenuously to Poole in his second letter , adding with more than a hint of picturesque excess :
30 The opportunity to do so did not arise until Racedown was offered to them six years later , by which time Wordsworth could contemplate a life whose course , since his Norfolk visit , had done much to shape his political and poetic character , and had left him with more than a little to repent .
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