Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless the draw has dealt more sympathetically with the Scots than it did before the 1986 World Cup , when they found themselves grouped with West Germany , Uruguay and Denmark .
2 For one corporeal hereditament to fall within the curtilage of another the former must be so intimately associated with the latter as to lead to the conclusion that the former in truth forms part and parcel of the latter ( Methuen-Campbell v Walters ) .
3 The essence of the FSU approach consists of the family caseworkers having very small caseloads so that they can visit families frequently-several times a week if necessary-and help directly with the practical as well as emotional problems the families face .
4 Each grouping has to be correctly aligned with the other whether it precedes , balances or follows another .
5 The two latter poems describe states of physical illness , but I think it is not unfair to quote them along with the former because all three only express in an overt form what is often expressed throughout her work : the connection between purity and superiority , the connection between purity and death .
6 In Cornwall in 1796 , 1801 and 1812 a noose and contract was taken around to farmers , who were threatened with the former if they did not agree to sign the latter .
7 However , there is another aspect of his position which has more in common with the revisionary as opposed to liberalizing tendency within the discipline .
8 The results in Table 3 show that shadowing verbal material causes greater reduction in right field advantage with the verbal than the spatial tasks .
9 the best , do n't mess with the best till ye passed your test , do n't need to mess with the best .
10 The Quality Scotland Foundation works with the young as well , bringing the quality message to schools and training organisations .
11 Conservative councillors called for further talks with the disabled before traffic is banned from the Skinnergate and High Row area on March 29 .
12 The survey was as concerned with the moral as well as the physical welfare of the subjects , and was particularly preoccupied with drink .
13 City economists said yesterday that the American decision to cut the Fed Funds rate by ¼ point to 33/4 p.c. may have been taken with the international as well as the domestic situation in mind .
14 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
15 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
16 A brief account of Bourdieu 's notion of ‘ habitus ’ provides an example of how we might assimilate the apparent paradox of an external physical world which is nevertheless in a more immediate relationship with the unconscious than the world of articulate symbolism .
17 Together with the lower than expected flotation price , the 10 companies have been given an attractive yield averaging as much as 8.55 per cent .
18 Together with the lower than expected flotation price , the 10 companies have been given an attractive yield averaging as much as 8.55 per cent .
19 All conditional sentences may begin with the subordinate if clause or start with the main clause : If I have time I shall go .
20 I I I just wondered with the so-called if staff members independent advice , erm , on what is best for them to do with superannuation pension scheme .
21 We are not here concerned with the elusive though connected fact that causal circumstances in a different sense explain their effects , that sense which concerned us earlier in connection with causal priority .
22 The reference in Joshua 10:13 to the sun standing still ‘ in the midst of the heavens ’ was surely more consonant , Galileo suggested , with the Copernican than with a geocentric system ?
23 Not just with the new things , but with the old as well .
24 She was just finishing with the last when there was a shout from Reception .
25 By next year CIA companies will have submitted three sets of data as indicators of performance and the data would be shared with the public whether they are good or bad .
26 To my mind the Luo are on a par with the Welsh because everyone sings .
27 From a similar ideological stance as the ‘ trainers ’ are those who see the purpose of adult education with the unemployed as being either therapeutic — easing the process of adjustment and thereby acceptance — or controlling — ensuring that potentially disruptive elements in society are neutralised .
28 And this development has been the key to such successful innovation in the field of work with the unemployed as has so far been accomplished .
29 ‘ Howard , ’ says Phil , ‘ how long do you think you could have sat here being at one with the infinite before you 'd felt your bottom aching and your scalp itching ? ’
30 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
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