Example sentences of "with [adv] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 When I left twenty minutes later I felt I had come off with rather the worst of the bargain but another of my father 's aphorisms came to mind : shnorrers no choosers .
2 It would seem no coincidence that the colleges with perhaps the greatest reputation for innovation are moving towards the Council 's fold ’ .
3 ‘ And , as a result , we now find ourselves with perhaps the best assets in Europe .
4 With perhaps the finest collection of boots and shoes in the Country .
5 An impressively rugged coast walk with perhaps the finest sea-board hill in Pembrokeshire for the climax ; the changes of direction provide an interesting sequence of views .
6 The bedroom door opens with only the softest of creaks .
7 Algy used up his measure of luck , I was then given a super navigator with only the sharpest of pencils and the instinct of a homing pigeon who took me through my tour ; he perished the first time he New without me after I was hijacked to Bennett 's staff .
8 I would be surprised if it was n't still possible to go through ten years of education with only the faintest idea of what has been happening in the world , even your own country .
9 Sir Daniel was already at the door , shrugging into his heavy black overcoat with its expensive sheen and elegantly cut lines , and he looked at them both with only the faintest narrowing of his eyes altering his expression of bland good will .
10 His voice was pleasant and well-modulated , with only the faintest of Nottingham accents .
11 I opened it discreetly , with only the faintest pop from the cork , and Toby asked :
12 Donkeys , too , and because it was hot , with only the faintest breeze , many of the men had their wide-brimmed hats pushed to the backs of their heads , held there by the leather thongs that were really chin straps .
13 With only the faintest possible graze of the fender , the dinghy drifted against her .
14 Whether anything has changed in the issues which divide the US and its European partners is no clearer after this encounter , and we are left with only the haziest idea of whether the mutual admiration is any more than skin deep .
15 This is a small , oval shaped wrasse , with only the largest of male specimens growing up to 14 centimetres in length .
16 Life , in fact , would have been impossible for most higher forms , with only the hardiest microbes surviving .
17 So authentic has been the recreation of detail , that visitors , with only the smallest effort of imagination , can believe themselves back in Victorian London .
18 In the motorway cruise mode , for instance , the Fiesta is quiet and relaxed at 70mph in fifth with only the smallest traces of road and engine noise and no wind noise at all — even when crossing the Forth Road Bridge under a storm-induced speed limit .
19 But even with only the barest essentials , the list is as long as my arm .
20 He stood up and left the room with only the barest nod at both of them .
21 Life is painful throughout , with only the briefest moments of relief — the hyacinth garden , the fishmen at Magnus Martyr , boating — all of which only lead back into the cycle of further ( often sexual ) pain .
22 With only the briefest moment of hesitation , Harry willingly gave way to the heady temptation of holding this vibrant , passionate young girl in his arms .
23 The first-class passenger could move from wheeled conveyance to first-class waiting-room to first-class compartment with only the briefest rubbing of shoulders with other classes in between .
24 The draw of gold attracted men from all parts of the world to a region with an inhospitable climate and provided with only the crudest amenities .
25 The specimen is preserved in its original calcite with only the slightest compression .
26 The routes have been trodden by generation after generation of their kind , for longer than man can remember , with only the slightest variations .
27 The finale he takes at one of the fastest speeds on record ( 1'08 ’ ) , creating , without recourse to pedal haze and with only the slightest dynamic gradations within Chopin 's requested sotto voce e legato , as haunting an impression of the eerie intangibility of eddying ‘ wind over graves ’ as you could ever hope to hear from human fingers .
28 She laughed and playfully tugged at his hair and he responded by penetrating her completely with only the slightest of movements .
29 When Isambard came down in the evening with his question , delivered with a dry , impersonal smile as though the brief upheaval in the night had never happened , Harry gave his answer with only the slightest convulsion of fear at the pit of his stomach .
30 In contrast , most theoretical work has been based , like eqns ( 7.3 ) , on a single-mode , unidirectional ring laser , with only the simplest decay terms .
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