Example sentences of "with [noun] have the " in BNC.

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1 And then with Richard having the screaming fits when it was time to go home .
2 The average size of herds was in the 63–70 cow range with Leicestershire having the highest cow numbers and North Wales the lowest .
3 Great Britain with Denmark has the highest proportion of lone parent families in the EC ( 14% ) .
4 But although recent decisions by Oxfordshire County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council have gone against the club , managing director , Pat McGere , says he 'll press on with efforts to have the club relocated from the Manor Ground .
5 At least one other COSE firm is worried that with Hewlett having the ear of the larger COSE companies , its own technology wo n't get a look in .
6 In particular , we need to explain the contrast between the high Scandinavian figures ( with Sweden having the highest rate of trade union membership in the western world ) , and the low levels of unionisation found in the United States and France .
7 As the crowd grew , pressing against the window , the Divisional Police Commissioner Rousselet , who had been keeping an eye on events , sent a policeman down with orders to have the nude painting removed from the window .
8 As far as I 'm aware my solicitor has been in contact with prosecution to have the case transferred to Birmingham Crown Court .
9 We played our match on level terms , with Sally having the advantage of playing from the ladies ' tees , which can be anything up to forty or fifty yards ahead of the men 's .
10 In this case , the role effectively changes from one of service management to one of a franchise operation , with Colleges having the right to market the education product or service in a defined areas , constrained mainly by the overall strategic plan set by the LEA .
11 At least one other COSE firm is worried that with HP having the ear of the larger COSE companies , its technology wo n't get a look in .
12 Forward planning and good communication are the two foundation stones that must be in place to guarantee that people ill with HIV have the best choices and continue to enjoy the very best quality of life , wherever they choose to be .
13 Beaches along the Western Wight produced limited action with Chale having the edge for pout and odd dogfish .
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