Example sentences of "you have [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 John Tate , managing director of consultancy Tate Bramald Ltd says : ‘ It is safest to assume the worst of a package until you have confirmed for yourself that it does what it claims to . ’
2 Video 8 , with its inability to dub audio separately , inserts both new pictures and sound , the latter being whatever was being picked up by the camcorder 's microphone while the title was being recorded — unless you have arranged for some other sound to be fed onto the tape !
3 I can not say how touched I am at the warmth of the reception you have arranged for me . ’
4 I am delighted that you have asked for a personal illustration and further details of SaverPlus 2001 .
5 I see from your appraisal report of 13 December that you have asked for training in two areas , as follows :
6 On erm what you have asked for Mr .
7 The key to using this technique is to keep silent after you have asked for the order .
8 I refer to your fax of 16 February 1993 concerning the return you have received for completion from the Local Government Chronicle .
9 Take special care with long quoted passages ( more than a couple of sentences or more than a few lines of a poem ) , as a lengthy quotation which is not then followed by detailed analysis and discussion is probably being used ( illegitimately ) as a way of replacing rather than supporting your argument ; you should guide your readers through the significance of what you have selected for their attention .
10 So she began with praise : — the more I think on it Ellen the more beholden I am to you for how you have cared for Oreste and the more fortunate .
11 The terror of leaving the tot you have cared for round the clock in the hands of a virtual stranger can be more daunting than the birth itself .
12 But I shall be harder to budge than you have bargained for . "
13 Choose your entertainments wisely this evening , as you could spend a lot more than you have bargained for .
14 When you save a design on to disk , all the colours and codes that you have defined for the woolbox will also be saved with the design .
15 Once you have registered for the programme you will be invited to the GEP INDUCTION DAY where you will hear about the benefits and indeed the difficulties of self employment and will be introduced to your LOCAL GEP advisor .
16 The other thing I would like to make sure and this applies also to the members of the public as well as those people who are participating in the discussion , could you please make sure that you have registered for the day .
17 Then return refreshed with added zest and sparkle to participate in the particular circumstances which you have prepared for and chosen .
18 1 You have prepared for us the script for ten episodes of a video entitled — .
19 Just a quick note to acknowledge receipt of the two papers you have prepared for the review .
20 Thus you play into the hands of that force which desires your downfall and wishes to hinder your inner progress , leaving you to shut the gate on the prison you have built for yourself , afraid to step out and to try anew to overcome your weaknesses .
21 I doubt if there is any place where you could belong comfortably , except perhaps the sterile life you have built for yourself in England .
22 In order to test your new LIFESPAN Process , we recommend that you enter and approve the configuration file you have built for it .
23 If you have been missing out , you may be able to claim back anything you have lost for up to six years and should receive a tax rebate .
24 Where time permits , leave the final draft of any report you have written for a few days and then read it again with fresh eyes .
25 Try and pick out the aspects of your background which make you especially suitable for the job you have applied for .
26 What happens if you have applied for compensation in the inland post , you are not satisfied and you still consider you have a claim ?
27 Imagine that you have been studying for 20 years for a qualification that will change your life , or waiting the same length of time to hear about a job you have applied for , the only job you have ever really wanted .
28 ‘ If I am correct , you have applied for a job with the British .
29 If you have applied for a grant or scholarship and are awaiting the outcome , give the name and address of the body to whom application has been made , and the amount and period applied for .
30 ‘ If you are a student , the maximum student loan for your situation is taken into account as income whether or not you have applied for it , ’ she said .
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