Example sentences of "you 've go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 You 've to go back and get hold of the Patriarch and convince those four Genoese that no rescue is coming .
2 properly you 've to go down round and see about it .
3 So you 're quite happy with that , one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , four hundred , five hundred , six hundred oh I can do this standing on my head , right and you s you stop concentrating so much , and you 've gone up to , so that should be a seven hundred
4 It 's so repetitive marking your scale and people just lose concentration and I can do this you know and the next minute you you you 've gone up in twos instead of ones .
5 You 've gone on for years about being the only person in the West Country with the faintest notion how to prune roses . ’
6 Could I take er , a minute and , and just try and look at the steps that you 've gone through and I , I tried to write down as you were doing it , giving your presentation , the steps which I think everybody eventually went through either formally or informally and I think if we look at these steps you 'll agree yes , I needed that and I did that or , we did n't do it formally .
7 Now in fact of course you 've gone round in a ?
8 Well you 've gone out so bloody well go and do one .
9 And then you have n't ruined wallpaper that you 've gone out and bought especially .
10 He uses the music to suck you in , then you sort of pull back in horror at what you 've gone along with . ’
11 right , but we 've never covered all this see , you 've picked bits up as you 've gone along and another thing you should never give a choice of something and nothing you should always give a choice of something and something else
12 ‘ It 's a pity you 've gone off fucking , ’ continued Nubenehem when the customer had left .
13 But once you 've gone down and turned left then turned right and gone ahead
14 You 've gone down .
15 Right , and the background to that of course is , for those of you who may not know , Bullett was I suppose a more junior person in the State Department , when he went to Europe with Woodrow Wilson in nineteen eighteen , and nineteen whenever it was for a peace conference , and Bullett was the only one of the American delegation who resigned and confronted Wilson and said , look , you 've gone back on the fourteen points , you 're not doing what you said you would do .
16 You can have one quick move and if it 's a false one well er you made a bad mistake and you 've gone back about er whatsit and I think 's done exactly the same here he 's sacked us and he 's put himself in er in er queer corner s like a game of draughts you know and he 's trying all roads to come out of it .
17 These copies are staple check and you are the one which you 've gone back for apply erm I , I 'll with that one .
18 You 've gone back home .
19 Do n't tell me you 've gone in for politics .
20 Except you 've gone in as ins insurance clerk cos we could n't , we could n't decide what you were .
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