Example sentences of "you [vb base] [art] little " in BNC.

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1 Again in an exam , there 's more chance that you make a little slip , because there 's little bit of extra edge .
2 And then if you make a little mistake — like getting two of your men killed when they 're busting a flat — you get a nasty shock .
3 Oh you mean the little one that goes with Mary ?
4 ‘ And you bring a little sunshine into my life , too , ’ she grinned .
5 You expect a little bit of jostling do n't you when there 's a crowd seen in the penalty box .
6 Because er most of the year we tell our kids not to talk to strangers , and then one day a year you send the little so and sos out to knock on peoples doors to ask for money er and sweets and things like that .
7 You put a little of the gel in the palm of the hand , use water to lather it , put the lather over your face , and then again , rinse off with warm water and you feel as if you 've used soap and water .
8 I said in my teapot there is a little , and he told you to use white tide and you put a little bit of tide in it once a week .
9 And it 's raw linseed oil , you dip your you have it in a dish and you dip this pad into the into this dish and you put a little drop of raw linseed oil on that , and you work it in and you go round and round in circles and you you know , I mean , and that 's left .
10 You put a little drop of lemonade in it , he 'll drink it .
11 Get away from it all , he coos over the radio every morning , you ladies are so wonderful , you deserve a little luxury —
12 You have been so good to George and you deserve a little reward now that all the young people have come .
13 However , I would suggest you wait a little while before making your final decision .
14 Now who 's who 's James you ride a little bit now and then Richard will .
15 You look a little distraite , ’ he observed drily , his eyes moving from the rumpled strands of blonde hair escaping from her plait to the finger-marks and the damp champagne patch on the front of her dress .
16 Ah now wonder you look a little bit lost .
17 However I did throw in a little bit of doubt , there was a possible objection there that you might have apacked you sound a little bit doubtful Mrs , do you have a problem with that
18 You read the little books wrong .
19 coal , and then rake down to the bottom and that 's when you open the little door for the draught to go up and they cal they call them tortoise stove .
20 You seem a little tense . ’
21 you like the little little one hey .
22 It 's not possible really to understand Eastern Europe now unless you know a little bit about its history for the last 150 years . ’
23 ‘ As you know a little while ago there were discussions between this Office and Stephenson Harwood [ the applicant 's former solicitors ] about a proposed interview to be conducted under the terms of section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 and I promised to provide further details to them of our proposed course of action which is now given to you instead of them : ( 1 ) This Office intends to hold an interview with you under section 2 on Thursday , 13 June 1991 .
24 You know a little bit of extra thinking about it .
25 Er B B C radio York you are not in the South of France but as it is persistently snowing around the county at the moment I thought you know a little French flavour .
26 yes , it 's tonight , it 's filling in the application form , but we 're asking you to read the scenario so you know a little bit about the people , and then this is all the information that 's been gathered .
27 I 'm not surprised , I 'd have done me fruit , if I was going around with somebody that , that say they 're gon na put the house on the market for me , want to make a go , a go of the marriage , a new baby , two other kids and then oh , but yet , yet wants to play around in a , you know a little sports car , that nobody but two people can sit in
28 But erm er and , and she said erm you know the little , we were talking about the little corner shop and how they used to keep open all hours .
29 because it happened to me , you know the little soft bit ?
30 she was Mac something no I , no I tell you , I tell you what that reminds me of , you know the little , I do n't know if you do , if you walk along the canal towards Berkhamstead , by a lock
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