Example sentences of "you [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I hope your mistress will accord you the same privilege . ’
2 I tell you the same way , there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents , than over ninety nine righteous persons who need no repentance .
3 ‘ I might ask you the same question . ’
4 ‘ No , you 'd do that for about three or four days and then he 'd decide to ask you the same question again just to see if you did look it up . ’
5 Can I ask you the same question again ho , after this discussion , do you think men hate women ?
6 ‘ I was about to ask you the same question . ’
7 ‘ I might well ask you the same question , ’ he said coolly , not moving further into the room .
8 ‘ I was about to ask you the same question . ’
9 ‘ I was about to ask you the same question . ’
10 ‘ I 'll give you the same chance I 'd give a hungry vixen in a rabbit cage , ’ he growled .
11 Or what we could do , if you say these this dose makes you a bit drowsy , we could give you the same stuff but in a lower dose .
12 But you have to balance that with the way a major wo n't allow you the same freedom of artistic licence and influence over your promotion and development that an independent company can offer .
13 You ought to find someone on the same wavelength , who knows your mind , your love of freedom , who thinks of you the same instant you think of him .
14 Well you can be assured that we have a very close relationship with Microsoft and Microsoft will er tell you the same story .
15 ‘ I might be asking you the same thing , my lord . ’
16 ‘ I might ask you the same thing . ’
17 ‘ I might ask you the same thing .
18 Probably tell you the same thing a different way .
19 ‘ I had thought to ask you the same thing .
20 ‘ I told you the same thing . ’
21 Erm now if I 'd given you the same thing and you 'd
22 Yeah , that 's , that 's when it 's hard she asks you the same thing again and again and a few minutes later , then half an hour later , then , then you think have you listened
23 On these cassettes you will hear the voice of the hypnotherapist , who will help you to achieve the desired state , then give you the same suggestions that he or she would make if you were in the consulting room ; finally , the hypnotherapist will wake you up again .
24 So at last — science has discovered the reason why agony aunts always give you the same advice : if your marriage has got stale , brighten yourself up , get fitter , take up a hobby or surprise your husband .
25 ‘ I could cook you the same food for a quarter of the price .
26 Position one is the Strat-style neck pickup wired straight through the volume control and out to the jack , while position two gives you the same pickup but this time through the tone circuit .
27 Does that give you the same answer ?
28 ‘ The Medjay captain asked me that too , and I give you the same answer : how would an escaped convict find his way into the compound ?
29 No , well I 'm I 'm saying to you the same sort of things , in general skills and abilities there are certain things that we required to put in the er numeracy the literacy er , to some degree attendance and punctuality , although we do n't have to do it on a subject specific basis erm we , everybody wants to know about he young , ho whether their youngsters are trying i.e. effort ha , whether they behave in lessons .
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