Example sentences of "you [verb] [conj] then " in BNC.

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1 And that means that from then on your life is n't your own , you do n't do what you want to do , you do what you believe God is telling you to do and you try to live by what the bible says and you pray about any important decision you make and then , when God has shown you what the right thing is to do , even when you 're going through very hard times , you know that you 're there because that 's where God wants you to be and that gives you faith to carry on .
2 If you carefully plan a new health regime that slowly introduces slight modifications to your usual meals , perhaps to try different ways of cooking food , to have slightly larger portions of vegetables and fruit , you will eventually find that your food preferences change slightly , enough to tip the balance from an unhealthy diet ( too high in fat and sugar , too low in fibre ) , to a healthy one that will help you attain and then maintain a slim figure .
3 If you use a dinghy or a small boat , chain it up to a ring when you land and then padlock the chain .
4 Oh you cook and then you break them off the rest of them
5 you see and they 're asking for people who could ref who could , you know , give references to cos like put all these , all , down on these different things that you want like you know , say you want but then a lot of people just put down small business and management , something like that .
6 First choose the size of mirror that you want and then have a sheet of mirrored glass cut to your specifications .
7 You can decide to start a personal pension at any time you want and then , in order to receive all the DSS minimum contributions that will be paid into your pension plan , backdate it to the start of the tax year on 6 April .
8 It is best to plan in advance what kind of demonstration tape you want and then you have the possibility of recording for that purpose .
9 I 'll take a guess at you want and then it deadwood
10 You can make that and put down as much as you want and then you roll the dice .
11 I was just about to say I expect you could really make a mess if you tried and then I realized I was covered in and I 'd better shut up .
12 I paused for a moment , then said , ‘ Kathleen , let me tell you what I think would happen if I did as you say and then you tell me where I 'm going wrong .
13 The WPC here will take down what you say and then she 'll read it back to you , and you 'll be able to change anything you may have got wrong .
14 you know because some people claim not to , blind and sighted , er you know and then , then maybe you can sort of say well , you know , what sort of things do you see , what sort of things do you feel and then get on to something specific
15 So then you put and then pop them in
16 and then you you oversimplify and then you refine it and you concentrate on the differences .
17 so on a Sunday I used to say right I 'm not gon na take my tablets today because it 's a waste of a tablet if you 're gon na eat like that , and on a Sunday I used to be absolutely exhausted because you take them all the time and they keep you going and then when you stop taking them they 've just , you wind down
18 you 'll expect that they The coach was burnt out down in Beatmore , if you remember and then the the police took them August there
19 Modifying patches is as simple as pressing whichever up or down buttons you fancy , waiting until you find a sound you like and then saving it using the usual ‘ Enter ’ button .
20 with , with a draft if you like and then we can talk it round , you know
21 which we need to be and once we get into the rhythm I 'm sure it 'll all be a lot easier but you seem to have a calmness about your how you speak which is good and you know I 'm sure I 'll go to pieces but erm yeah it was just , and what I 've picked up on as you say where it 's er how did you come to Friends Provident bum de bum de bum , we 're going through erm a structured erm spiel if you like and then they 're saying well I do n't really wan na give you any you know , recommendations at this moment and erm what we should do there is , is I suppose apack that is n't it ?
22 and then they say there 's a trip going round at the brewery , er you can either have the er twenty five minute trip or the , the forty minute trip , whichever you want , well of course everybody says the twenty five and then the rep always , it says oh well these fellas have been four times before so we stop in the bar and you can have what you want , spirits whatever you like and then the bucket comes out and it 's , it 's smashing
23 okay good point and that is that is a point , that you need to be clear about what you want to role plays on as good as the real thing you know but then again sometimes you know sometimes I 've listened to people saying well role plays are a bit harder than real life harder than real life why are we talking about being assertive now .
24 Erm the old on that you know , took me two years to get the bearings approved and er you know but then having to wait a year and a half cos had a year and a half 's worth of orders on 'em and promised to hold the price for three years is that 's what it took for them to use them up , er has run out , new orders have been put on but I 've got the chance of taking the business .
25 So I said you know , the one minute past quarter to and there 's a sort of quietly you know but then you know , just have to grab at
26 And erm these things used to used to sort of wind the r the the the spring or the leather thong around th top and start it off to spinning you know and then you 'd keep whipping it like that and you could make these things jump into the air , in fact a friend of mine was telling me , we were talking about it the other day .
27 You know and then er and then er and we 'd got no gas in when I was quite little .
28 You know and then they realize that er in showing a building society account they just showed the interest after deduction of tax .
29 Chairman , if they ask for er er additional rent , all we have to say is no , you maintain it as a , as a recreation ground , erm you know and then it passes back to them .
30 And Peper Peter had to accept it not just once you know and then he was a changed man .
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