Example sentences of "that made [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sarah had produced a child by another man , and that made her a loose woman .
2 But it was Susannah 's passionate appeal to the girls to support her party because she believes the Liberal Democrats care about the homeless that made her the winner .
3 It was this certainty that made her the leader .
4 Anyway , that made me a scarlet woman . ’
5 The thing that made me a little envious was this girl — she 's his assistant on this particular film — ringing up , and there was a slight chance they would be going to Switzerland that day , and suddenly I was in there again and I thought how exciting it all was and how nice it would be to go off filming again .
6 The Aldershot method because er it it sort of explained to me the most effect way of getting across whatever you want to say so that made me a feel a bit happier about that .
7 He employed the wry , self-deprecation that made him a refreshing presence on the campaign trail .
8 The child might never have known his or her grandfather nor seen the small piece of land that made him a landlord , yet the child remained stubbornly a landlord in official eyes decades after land reform .
9 Peter Powell 's adventures with kites had already put him into the headlines when he ‘ flew ’ his grandmother , long before he perfected the diamond-shaped stunter that made him a worldwide name from 1974 .
10 There have been many doubts that Gazza could n't make a come-back at club level or even contemplate straddling the international scene again with the outrageous talent that made him a folk hero .
11 It was the verbal savagery of his pre-war outbursts in the streets of Shoreditch and Pimlico that made him a public danger for the only time in his life .
12 But it was n't his deeds that made him a Christian , it was his trust in Jesus Christ .
13 If , however , Shakespeare did actually exist , then he must have possessed certain attributes that made him the kind of existent he was , even though no attributes that he may have had would have been sufficient to individuate him in a metaphysical sense .
14 It was only that now , having finally admitted that she loved him , that she 'd loved him almost from the moment they 'd met , she was able to admit that it was those very same qualities that made him the man he was .
15 Harry felt in his blood with what calming delight and fulfilment his enemy would embrace the lie that made him the victor .
16 It was that experience , allied to his next job as arts minister , that made him an obvious choice to become Major 's first Heritage Secretary .
17 It was an association that made him an appropriate keeper at Loseley of Montague 's imprisoned son-in-law Henry Wriothesley , second Earl of Southampton [ q.v. ] in 1570 .
18 But so far neither has shown the tremendous flair with top-spin attacking that made them a major force in the world championships in Dortmund only seven months ago .
19 The French struggled for nearly sixty minutes against a generous but raw Romania , ran riot against a Fijian side well below par and short of the menacing inspiration that made them a fearsome proposal in 1987 , while the game against Canada exposed the shortcomings that England later exploited with relish .
20 ‘ I think people get even angrier if they think about this precise thing that was done in their so-called formative years that made them the way they are .
21 AND ALL THAT made it a busy year for Autocar & Motor .
22 It is necessary to examine the idea of coalitionism and the political forces that made it a powerful alternative before considering its direct impact on the Unionist party .
23 The fact that a scheme could be contrived that made it a working possibility for the majority of the disabled to acquire a motor car of their choice and to finance the purchase , including insurance and repair , from the allowance , was a staggering revelation to economists and particularly to the socialists of the time who regarded private enterprise as the kiss of death .
24 She said please in a way that made it a special request of her own .
25 But she loved him , and that made it a bargain — and he did n't even deserve to be loved .
26 The cabin was surprisingly spacious , even if it did lack the little human touches that made it a home .
27 He was embittered , as could be expected , at the government 's neglect of the Canadian Indian , and he resented the laws that made it an offence to sell liquor to an Indian and which confined the original Canadian population to reservations .
28 It might have been dubious to have had any of the characters holding the scissors , but because it was the child of the foursome doing it , that made it an even bigger mistake , which I accepted , putting it down totally to inexperience on my behalf .
29 So it was the reaction against the cat 's ancient ‘ holiness , in Egyptian religion , combined with its connection with childless , elderly women , that made it the ‘ wicked ’ animal of the medieval period .
30 I was never much use at school work , but he said that did n't matter , what was important was finding something and doing it so that you became good at it , better than the others , and that made you a person , gave you something they did n't have .
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