Example sentences of "that such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With the growth of international lending in both domestic and foreign currencies most banks have increased their staff numbers and resources devoted to the assessment of country risk , although it has to be recognised that such a subject can never be reduced to an exact science .
2 Under Criminal Justice Act 1991 , s.2(2) ( b ) , in a case such as this the court will have power to pass a sentence which is longer than the gravity of the offence would justify , on the ground that such a sentence is necessary to protect the public from serious harm ( which includes serious psychological injury , see s.31 ) from the offender .
3 Innocent 's imposition of an interdict was parried by the archbishop of Toledo who argued that such a sentence would only encourage heresy and the Muslims , but Innocent did not stop trying to break the marriage .
4 And indeed , they were able to show ( see Fig. 3.8(b) ) that such a procedure dramatically attenuated the latent inhibition produced by lengthy initial exposure both at4 h and 24 h but had no effect on the latent inhibition ( at 4 h ) produced by brief initial exposure .
5 ‘ What is needed ’ he said ‘ is to reassure men that such a procedure does not affect sexual function . ’
6 It was held that such a grant where the application was for a full new licence constitutes a refusal and can be competently the subject of an appeal under 5.17(4) .
7 It is well settled that such a grant or demise will … impliedly confer on the grantee or lessee … easements over the land retained corresponding to the continuous or apparent quasi-easements enjoyed at the time of the grant or demise by the property granted or demised over the property retained …
8 One reason why companies established in one member state are entitled to do business in another without setting up a permanent place of business in that state is that such a requirement might unreasonably inflate their costs .
9 As for the requirement for the owners , charterers , managers and operators of the vessel and , in the case of a company , the shareholders and directors , to be resident and domiciled in the member state in which the vessel is to be registered , it must be held that such a requirement , which is not justified by the rights and obligations created by the grant of a national flag to a vessel , results in discrimination on grounds of nationality .
10 It follows that such a requirement is contrary to article 52 .
11 Industry argued that such a requirement would stymie its competitiveness , and that , in any case , changes in emissions from existing plants would only ever be small-scale .
12 Before you get the idea that such a bias occurs only in national competitions , I would like to point out that the worse case of this I ever saw was in a world championship .
13 But the fact that we should now have come to believe that such a society might be both possible and desirable is certainly interesting .
14 As Julian Leff points out : ‘ it seems likely that if the uniqueness of the individual 's inner experience became the dominant value in society , the bonds between people would be so attenuated that such a society would probably not be viable . ’
15 His opinion was that such a reduction would act as a stimulus to further development work , and recommended its immediate implementation .
16 This is equivalent in terms of the effect on the total physical capital stock to reducing b by , and we can see from ( 8–56 ) that such a reduction would have an equivalent effect on the government budget constraint .
17 Eduardo Fernández , the secretary-general of COPEI ( two of whose members had joined a " Cabinet of national unity " on March 10 — see pp. 38809-10 ) , warned on May 12 that such a reduction in the presidential term would create the danger of another military coup attempt like that of February [ see pp. 38759-60 ] .
18 Keynes maintained that such a reduction would lead to a more or less equiproportionate reduction in the general level of prices .
19 This concept is rather vague because it can be shown that a computer with a very basic instruction set can simulate a Turing machine and therefore can , in theory , perform any " computable " task , so that such a computer is ( again in theory ) completely general-purpose ( see for example Minsky 1967 ) .
20 He was appalled that such a story should appear in a newspaper , and the council , he said , would meet to determine what should be done about it .
21 My surprise does not arise from the possibility of a Government defeat over the social chapter but from the fact that it is only now that such a story has found its way onto the front pages .
22 A , the judge did not explain the use of seven as a multiplier but it not suggested that such a calculation could be done with complete accuracy and using a five percent table , the judge was faced with choosing between seven and eight .
23 The court refused to issue an order of mandamus on the ground that it had not been established that such a blanket directive had been issued and that it was within his rights to deploy his forces as he wished .
24 If , on the other hand , the implied qualifying words were agreed to be something like ‘ having regard to the position held or the work done ’ , it is submitted that such a qualification would be quite appropriate .
25 Holmes replies that such a tag functions not to undermine the speaker but to engage the hearer , reassuring her that the speaker cares about her opinions too .
26 It gets its name from the belief that such a flower could only come from the home of a god — Mt Parnassus .
27 Like mantises that eat their mates , or are eaten by them during intimate congress — even knowing that such a fate must occur — they were fraternally drawn to one another , obeying a bizarre tropism .
28 It should be noted moreover that such a Christology is not predicated upon saying that the difference between the sexes is of minimal importance , or simply to be compared with differences of race , with the implication that women can be said to be like Christ and so for example be ordained .
29 He was supported in this view by Mountbatten , who , with his experience as Supreme Commander South-East Asia and Viceroy of India , believed that such a course was desirable for efficiency 's sake and was practicable .
30 It supported the new Labour government but many Liberals felt that such a course of action was unwise .
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