Example sentences of "that something [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When pressed , he almost conceded that something of the original philosophy of the 1992 programme may have been lost .
2 Somehow , even to my youthful reasoning , it was as though the past was speaking to the present , that something of the love between these two people still lingered .
3 Roughly , and somewhat metaphorically , we can say that something of the following sort goes on when successful communication takes place .
4 I never got good enough ( or brave enough ) to test her advice out , but , being by inclination an optimist , I would like to think that something of the same logic would apply to the National Curriculum and its tests .
5 Sensing that something of the sort might be going through his mind , Lesley-Jane interposed , ‘ We were just talking about Micky 's death . ’
6 One is that something about the dream itself ( its illogicality perhaps ) makes it difficult to remember , and the other that there is something about the physiological state in which we find ourselves when first woken up that makes remembering difficult .
7 It was also clear that something about the young man made him intensely uncomfortable .
8 Thus the Lacanian account of the impossibility of desire often cites the following passage from Freud 's ‘ On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love ’ : ‘ It is my belief that , however strange it may sound , we must reckon with the possibility that something in the nature of the sexual instinct itself is unfavourable to the realization of complete satisfaction , ( vii .
9 It is considered that something in the region of 40g daily should be quite sufficient to protect your health in all the ways which have been described , and to make it much easier for you to control your weight in the future .
10 I have a sensation of heat as I approach the fire ; but when I approach the same fire too closely , I have a sensation of pain ; so there is nothing to convince me that something in the fire resembles heat , any more than the pain ; it is just that there must be something in it ( whatever this may turn out to be ) that produces the sensations of heat or pain .
11 The ocean carrier , therefore , was deemed to warrant to the consignor safe transport and delivery and could avoid liability only if he proved that something in the nature of force majeure had intervened .
12 The costs of a non-Europe research programme suggest that something in the region of 0.5 per cent of Community GDP may be " wasted " by nations favouring domestic public procurement policies and therefore an effective competition policy to counteract such protection measures must be accompanied by a re-distributive regional policy .
13 How would it be proved that something against the rules of war had occurred ?
14 The evaluators must conclude that something like the input of resources which characterised the Essex project is a necessary condition for improving library provision and associated resources ( Objective 3 ) and to facilitate reforms in pedagogy , but that it is by no means a sufficient condition for significant change .
15 The biographical sources for this period are neither detailed nor accurate enough to allow a close analysis of the degree to which the system had become elaborated in the first half of the sixteenth century , but the broader outlines may certainly be perceived and seem to confirm that something like the provisions of the Kanunname were operating by the early years of that century .
16 As we saw in Chapter 2 , many people find it hard to believe that something like the eye , Paley 's favourite example , so complex and well designed , with so many interlocking working parts , could have arisen from small beginnings by a gradual series of step-by-step changes .
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