Example sentences of "that all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now the machine-code analogy works well only so long as we forget that all a computer program has to do is run .
2 The Inland Revenue ca n't take it off you , ’ says Lord Teviot , who is also quite open about the fact that all a Lord has to do to qualify for his expenses is to walk into the chamber , have his name logged by a doorkeeper and walk out .
3 It is important to appreciate that all a neurone can do is to transmit impulses at varying frequencies .
4 However , in this case , it would not be necessary to determine that all the quanta came from the same direction : it would be enough to observe that they all arrived within a very short time interval to be reasonably confident that they were coming from the same burst .
5 The main reasons for writing to the Lancet are frustration that we have been discredited , that our grants depend on this work and also that all the evidence is in writing . ’
6 And once she had admitted that it might be possible , she could see that all the evidence pointed clearly in that one direction .
7 They reported that all the evidence would indicate that Marianella was assassinated by the armed forces after having been tortured and raped :
8 Counsel 's second argument was that all the evidence presented to the court was that the defendant had been seen engaging in actual violence , but not threatening it , as the section requires , On this submission the Court concluded that there was sufficient evidence in the narrative presented to the jury from which they were entitled to conclude that there was threatening behaviour .
9 As the passing of the Bill is being given such high priority , will the Leader of the House guarantee that all the evidence will be put before the Committee — that some of it will not be suppressed , as the Secretary of State suppressed evidence put forward by colleges of further education ?
10 For studies of ICJ transit , with this method , a value of 1 indicated that all the isotope was in the first 4 cm of ileum ; a value of 6 indicated that all isotope was in the caecum or colon .
11 Beautifully out of time , they proved that all the paranoia which surrounds those seeking to hitch a ride on the next bandwagon is worthless .
12 He asked that all the correspondence between the company and Lord Young during July 1988 be made available .
13 ‘ He says , ‘ Sir Jaq 's correct in his supposition that all the slaughter brought it to life — exactly like a conjuration . ’
14 We know that all the lapis lazuli used in the ancient Middle East came from a single source in the Badakshan Valley , Afghanistan , but this source does not contain wollastonite .
15 Now that all the poll tax register computer equipment is installed , there is a strong case to let it be used to compile the electoral roll on the same basis .
16 All three elements have to come in to any budget decision and nobody can ignore all three , indeed if you look around three groups of the council you 'll see that all the budget proposed tonight will take into account all three areas .
17 They had maintenance men of their own of course who they seen that all the machine was guarded and everything else .
18 HAR DAR DA The complete understanding that all the soil of Myrin passes through the bodies of its earthworms every ten years
19 Mr Larsen has been roped in to see that all the music lovers of Gullshaven are informed — I know that the doctor and the pastor and one or two of the schoolteachers are devoted to music .
20 The notes tell us that all the music was recorded in straight takes , and that no subsequent editing has taken place .
21 Assuming that all the ILP members acquiesced in the amalgamation , the new Party with less than 12,000 members would certainly have lost two of its three MPs .
22 The list of observed bands ( Table 5.12 ) shows that all the IR bands observed coincide with Raman bands ( within 20 cm -1 , which is close enough considering that IR and Raman spectra are of different phases ) , and the number of Raman bands is indeed nine .
23 There was cloth — yards and yards of tetua , cheap and coarsely woven cotton — and a shawl , finely printed in yellow and black , the kind that all the village women wear at festivals .
24 He had been relatively easy to control in the north while it was clear that all the going rested with Hope but in London , Newton had been much more sinister .
25 The doctrine that all the law was expected to do was to put creditors in possession of debtors ’ property was a totally inadmissible piece of spurious humanity .
26 Despite my negative attitude towards the direct anthropological study of one 's own society , I still hold that all the anthropologist 's most important insights stem from introspection .
27 If the Minister can identify any objective professional evidence that five years is the period needed , that would be very interesting , but I believe that all the expert evidence that he received supported a period of seven years .
28 Aside from using it twice in relation to Abdulkerim , he uses it on only three other occasions , at least in his articles concerned with the Muftis under consideration : first , in the general statement which forms the basis for his rejection of the Muftilik of Molla Yegan to the effect that all the ulema are empowered to give fetvas ; second , in connection with Molla Yegan himself ; and third , twice in regard to Molla Shaykh " Abd al-Karim al-Kadiri ( Seyh Abdulkerim ) , who seems to have held an ad hominem muftilik , not connected with the Muftilik of Istanbul , in the time of Suleyman .
29 Who , wants to go through life by themself. , does n't mean to say that all the kind of life is one big storm , not at all !
30 In retrospect , what I found fascinating at the time ( and this feeling has only increased with time and further thought ) was that all the crew just did what I would have told them had I been able to make contact with them .
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