Example sentences of "that all [noun] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I recall a Tory councillor saying that all homosexuals should be exterminated ...
2 I hated the growing fear my father ( and we ) shared during his illness , that he would mess the bed , and once suggested to him that all families should be required once a month to show each other the contents of their potties .
3 This , in turn , means that all titles must sell internationally : ‘ To date have n't had one book that has n't gone into foreign editions . ’
4 The user then has to input the date and it is against this date that all transactions will be checked .
5 Instead of the class struggle enunciated by Marx he externalised the struggle and insisted that all Indonesians could live in harmony in a gotong-royong ‘ mutual help ’ society .
6 I believe that all parents would rather pay increased taxes or not receive tax cuts if that would deal with the problem .
7 It was then announced from Cairo that all countries would be represented at the meeting at the same level .
8 I initially thought that all countries would be affected by the statement that you need to build military arsenals to keep the populations employed .
9 I thought that controlling rebellious minorities was a step that all countries would have to take , but I found that if people discuss and compromise then most disagreements can be solved quite easily .
10 It is important to distinguish between systems analysis which can mathematically optimize some attribute of the links within and between systems , and General Systems Theory which purports that all systems can be understood by the application of systems principles .
11 A decade later a greater radical , Jeremy Bentham , suggested that the armed forces of all the European States should be reduced to low fixed levels , that all colonies should be freed ( one of the first recognitions in schemes of this kind of the importance which overseas possessions were now assuming in European politics ) and that a ‘ common court of judicature ’ should be set up to settle international disputes .
12 In reply to BS Berlyn 's letter in the December issue of Credit Management where he complain about a creditor 's inability to enforce judgment against its debtor when a winding-up petition has been presented against that debtor , I can only say that he is ignoring one of the fundamental concepts of English insolvency law , that all creditors should be treated equally when their debtor becomes insolvent .
13 My Group was anxious that all teachers should understand and think about the ideological assumptions implied by their approach to the teaching of English , for this is one way to overcome dogmatism .
14 In addition , although the deputy head was clearly exhausted by the enormity of the task he had set himself , he had found the experience sufficiently valuable to recommend that all teachers should extend their understanding of curriculum evaluation and develop skills in addition to the testing of pupil outcomes .
15 This does not imply that all teachers should engage in research .
16 It would appear that all teachers will be placed in a similar position to that of teachers preparing pupils for external examinations , in that they will have set objectives , or learning outcomes , to be achieved , but will be free to plan their lessons as they think fit — especially where the core subjects are concerned .
17 There is one short walk , however , that all visitors should make : this is the well-trodden path leading up into Coire Lagan from Glen Brittle .
18 I am afraid that I can not agree with you that all rivers should simply be recognized as public rights of way , attractive though that might appear .
19 This model allows us to calculate the average trends in the binding energies of nuclei , but it predicts incorrectly that all nuclei should have a spherical shape , which varies as the cube root of the atomic weight , just as the radius of a liquid drop varies as the cube root of its mass .
20 ‘ Nor must you imagine that all innovations will be fruitful .
21 Cognitio allowed another break with tradition : the rule that all judgments must be in money was abandoned .
22 Langdon stated that all groups should be represented except the DNF , which in his view was communist dominated .
23 A new HS&E Policy and Management System has been developed and will be launched shortly at a number of Wood Group companies with the aim that all companies will adapt the Group Policy and Management System to their own needs by the end of the year .
24 It has also to be recognized that all owners may need to make alterations and improvements to their property from time to time .
25 I hope it will be in all your club bars one of our bottles , we have distributed special bottles er sailor proof bottles I hope they are er which you put money in er very simply without any impediment and I do hope that all clubs will use those bottles and , and gather lots of money .
26 Kuhn recognizes that all paradigms will contain some anomalies ( e.g. the Copernican theory and the apparent size of Venus or the Newtonian paradigm and the orbit of Mercury ) and rejects all brands of falsificationism .
27 On the basis of this information , and on the assumption that all loads will come in time , might we speculate to accumulate and design a cost effective new IP/MP infrastructure in an area that might become a blueprint for future mains extensions ?
28 In 1348 they demanded free trade in wool , and in 1351 achieved a definitive victory when the king agreed that the maltote should be granted only in parliament and that all merchants should be permitted to deal in wool ‘ without being restricted by those merchants who call themselves the king 's merchants ’ .
29 Could it be , so to speak , that all cricket will be one-day one day ?
30 The politics of poststructuralism forces the recognition that all knowledge may be variously contaminated , implicated in its very formal or ‘ objective , structures .
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