Example sentences of "that has [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a castle , and a cable car that soars up the mountains to an area that has been dubbed ‘ the botanical gardens of Italy ’ .
2 For proper ventilation , cool air must be drawn in at the base to replace the hot air that has been extracted .
3 Any animal that has been sprayed just once will respond immediately and back away fast from a displaying skunk .
4 The atmosphere moves from hard bop to cajun crunch and , for once , Billy boy has come up with a record that justifies all the praise that has been heaped on his shoulders .
5 May I associate myself with the praise that has been heaped on the know-how fund ?
6 And here again the temptation was one that has been noted before as an ever-present danger to the private lending libraries : the pressure to sell off a single very valuable asset .
7 The Crime Survey is a victimisation study and its main conclusion is one that has been noted , in a less systematic way , many times before : working-class crime is a problem , and it is a problem for the working class , since they are its principal victims , as they are of all types of crime :
8 We also found that patients with Crohn 's disease affecting the colon were likely to relapse more rapidly , a finding that has been noted by others .
9 The common application programming interface that it and Hewlett-Packard Co worked on with Objectivity Inc , Ontos Inc , Object Design Inc and Versant Object Technology Inc , to allow developers to write programs that could utilise any object database — work that has been turned over to the Object Management Group — is a Spring technology ( UX No 362 ) .
10 Well I believe that the report that er is before us that has been moved erm actually sets out a framework which the social service committee is able to work to and to monitor and I see no point whatsoever in referring this back to social services erm to delay further what is the inevitable .
11 This is unfortunate , for a series that has been gestating for three years .
12 Casting and smithing in Nigeria reached a standard from the 10th century onwards that has been compared to the art of Benvenuto Cellini .
13 Despite the large amount of funding that has been pumped into the scheme teachers are worried by the time it takes for materials and information to get through to them .
14 For all the ingenuity that has been exercised in studying remaining ships and portrayals of ships in the light of expert modern knowledge — in the building and sailing of replicas and all manner of ingenious devices — it still remains true that we are tempted to judge early medieval navigation mainly from a handful of second-hand boats ready for retirement , which were thus thought suitable for burial .
15 As part of a wider plan to restore Naples ' historic centre and bring back into public use an artistic and historical heritage that has been shut up and neglected for too long , the Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici in Naples has announced a programme of restoration of twenty-six churches to start on 5 December .
16 But , as primarily a meat substitute aimed at former carnivores , the portion in the film-wrapped tray can look pathetically small to a population that has been raised on the traditional four to eight ounces of meat each meal .
17 It was n't anybody else 's awar it was a T U C award and you can imagine the very issue that has been raised here today are the very aspects that are critically analyzed by the T U C in determined award , but I will take on board the points that have been mentioned .
18 Is not the root cause of your difficulties about the complaint that has been raised , Mr. Speaker , Scotland 's gross over-representation in this House on matters relating to other parts of the United Kingdom ?
19 I must apologise for returning somewhat dryly to the procedural point that has been raised during the debate .
20 My hon. Friend raises a point that has been raised many times before .
21 ‘ All the money that has been raised , whether it was a 50 pence piece , a child 's pocket money or a substantially larger donation , has all gone together to make this enormous total , ’ he said .
22 Basically , every compliment that has been chucked in Suede 's direction during the past ten minutes the band wholeheartedly , erm , agree with .
23 Another method that has been tested upon some blind people is the regular use of the hormone melatonin , a product of the pineal gland .
24 Taken together and assembled into relevant groupings , they become information , which is basically data that has been analysed , summarised and interpreted for the benefit of the potential user , in this case a manager .
25 Your ability to write and argue is of little avail if you get your facts wrong , fail to find the relevant authorities , rely on a statute that has been superseded or a case that has been overruled , or simply misunderstand the authorities .
26 Remove the drug , and the normal signals can no longer get over the barrier that has been erected .
27 Bradford City Council gave the quarry owner permission for a much lower generator on a " less visually intrusive " pylon , rather than the tower that has been erected .
28 The 16 to 18-year-old group is the very group that has been punished by the Government .
29 Any precious metal that has been manufactured in some way , including coins used for ornament .
30 We now shall take up an issue that has been touched on several times before : power transformation of the scale of a variable in order to make its analysis easier .
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