Example sentences of "that i have [num] " in BNC.

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1 And she said well , I 'm see that I 've twenty second er I 'm sending him that , mum , to do my reference cos they 've got ta they 've got ta have that .
2 Erm , oh I 've got another piece back that I 've twenty nine , twenty nine as it goes
3 You got all in that , English there , English there , English there and English there , and that I had six merit points yesterday .
4 Before leaving the village I consulted a chart outside the coastguard station , which confirmed that I had five hours before high tide ; this would give me time to get to the end of Worm 's Head and safely back onto the cliffs without danger of being stranded .
5 So that I had two homes really , because as often as not I was down at her house , as in my own home . ’
6 Oh yes indeed , indeed , well only last week I said do need some flowers , come on Thursday they 're fresh , I said I want them now Lionel , I hate to be without flowers in the room and he said well have two for the price of one , he would insist that I had two bunches for the price of one .
7 This demonstrated that I was not yet a legionnaire as I had not been awarded my white képi , and as such was still an ‘ engagé volontaire ’ or recruit ; it went on to say that I had one month 's service in the Legion , and that I was part of the Squadron commanded by Capitaine Duransoy , in the section of Sergeant Major Barlerin of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment .
8 Erm , I erm , employ people , so I decided to have an employment section , six months later when I was reviewing the daytimer , I discovered that I had one sheet in my employment section , er , about a lady I had interviewed and not employed , whereas I had a prospect section that was overflowing , and needed drastic sub-division .
9 And then I bought another one and then I bought a third one so that I had three combines but there were no other combines on Orkney at all .
10 The beliefs which , he suggests , play this special role for us now include the belief that I have two hands , that men do not fly to the moon , that the sun is not a hole in the sky , that the earth has existed during the last century and that our hands do not disappear when we are not paying attention to them .
11 You are perhaps aware ’ , wrote Gould grandly to William Swainson in January 1837 , ‘ that I have two of Mrs Goulds ’ brothers in Australia engaged in collecting the natural product of that fine country , nearly the whole of which are consigned to myself and that consequently I possess perhaps greater facilities than most persons for the production of a work of this description .
12 It is here , in fact , that I have one reservation about Beverle Houston 's article , around her use of the term , ‘ desire ’ , and its place in the formation of the television subject .
13 To ease my conscience I would like it to be recognised that I have five co-founders : Jock Lewes , Paddy Mayne of the original ‘ L ’ Detachment , George Bergé who started the French S.A.S. , Brian Franks who re-raised the S.A.S. flag after the war and John Woodhouse who created the modern S.A.S. during the Malaysian Campaign by restoring to the regiment its original philosophy .
14 But now that you are reaching voting age and puberty , and will inevitably soon experience the same condition , I must tell you that my penis is fluorescent green and that I have five foreskins .
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