Example sentences of "that [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Had it been less well done , someone as prickly and paranoid as Alex Household would have bridled , would have pointed out that to lose a part at the beginning of one 's career was rather different from losing it after twenty years in the business , would have made some bitter retort .
2 The principles as civil proceedings and the topic is now run by it goes on and that mainly deals with criminal material and then one can pick it up at paragraph thirty two er seventeen when er the authors addressed themselves to civil proceedings er and that er following passage deals with effects of the civil evidence act and the relevant procedures and then moving on my Lord to er to in fact , thirty two thirty nine on page eighty hundred and twenty nine the expert has furnished the judge or jury with the necessary scientific criteria for testing the accuracy of her conclusion so that to enable the judge or jury to perform their own independent judgement by the application of these criteria to the facts proved in evidence .
3 They must have meant that to include the document , but Maurice did n't have it . ’
4 Jakarta 's Governor Wiyogo Atmordarminto insists that to drive a becak is a degrading occupation , considering Indonesia 's level of development .
5 Revisionist analysis of the internal structure and composition of the revolutionary parties has demonstrated that to treat the underground as synonymous with the revolutionary intelligentsia is profoundly misleading .
6 His claim that to see the atonement at work one should visit the House of Commons was made in those happy days before its proceedings were televised .
7 I cycled off quickly , but when I discussed the matter subsequently with my wife she said that to carry a knife was not uncommon nowadays .
8 He may even have considered that to establish the superiority of the Copernican over the Tychonic system would be to reaffirm the superiority of Catholic over Protestant science .
9 Applying Kirchhoff 's voltage and current laws respectively to the input and output circuits of figure 10.6(b) yields However , and so from equation ( 10.18 ) the small-signal current gain between input and output is while the input resistance presented to small signals is from equation ( 10.17 ) Making use of equation ( 10.19 ) , the latter becomes Proceeding further , the small-signal voltage gain between input and output is and , on substituting for and from equations ( 10.19 ) and ( 10.20 ) , it is seen that To obtain an expression for the output resistance , observe that in the input circuit Eliminating through equation ( 10.18 ) gives and rearranging this equation in the form establishes that the output resistance is
10 To this is often ( but not always ) added an idea that a cause makes its effect happen , implying perhaps that to find a cause is to show why the effect had to happen as it did .
11 Some of these might be : recognizes that a number of squares can be rearranged and form several different shapes ; knows that , in order to cover a given rectangle with different sizes of squares , the smaller squares will produce the larger numbers ; knows that to find an area is to find the number of unit shapes which will cover a shape .
12 Other youngsters helped with hyperactive teenagers who were so severely disturbed that to encourage a patient to smile was a major success story .
13 Mr Tsongas , a pro-business liberal , argued that to restart the campaign he abandoned three weeks ago for lack of funds would only make him a spoiler .
14 That Weismann understood the significance of the information analogy is shown by his remark that to accept the inheritance of an acquired character would be ‘ very like supposing that an English telegram to China is there received in the Chinese language ’ .
15 Although the nineteenth century had seen almost all restrictions on Catholics removed , the loyalists of Ulster still believed that to accept the authority of the Pope was to open the way to papal domination and the erosion of civil liberty .
16 The transfer function of the second-order low-pass filter shown in figure 12.2(a) is ( see equation ( 12.12 ) ) while that of the corresponding high-pass filter with capacitance C' in place of inductance L and inductance L' in place of capacitance C is From equations ( 12.33 ) and ( 12.35 ) it is apparent that to synthesise the prototype low-pass response with unit cut-off pulsatance , the inductance L and capacitance C must satisfy Equations ( 12.34 ) and ( 12.36 ) similarly show that to synthesise the planned high-pass response with cut-off pulsatance the capacitance C' and inductance L' must satisfy Combining equation ( 12.37 ) with equation ( 12.39 ) and equation ( 12.38 ) with equation ( 12.40 ) reveals that Thus high-pass filters are easily derived from low-pass designs .
17 This does not , mean , of course , that she can not speak Jamaican Creole , just that to characterise the whole of her generation as " Creole speakers " is much too simple .
18 The received wisdoms that to restrict the use of secure accommodation we should concentrate on refining the relative legislative criteria must be challenged .
19 Its defenders claim that to create the impression of progress is in itself a vital part of crisis management .
20 But what if a school wished to ban Sikh girls from wearing trousers , and sought to justify its action with the argument that to create an exception from school rules for Sikhs would cause resentment from whites and thus work to the detriment of racial harmony ?
21 This was firmly denied by the Committee , both before and after publication , who argued that to urge a change in the law was not necessarily to approve or endorse homosexual behaviour .
22 Catholic morality approves of the view that to repel an aggressor is to engage in a just war .
23 Mossad proposed that to conceal the plan they would send TOW missiles to Iran from their own stocks and America would ship them replenishments .
24 Mr Rowland may be right to think that the worst is over ; it is increasingly recognised that to expect the insurance industry to foot the entire bill for pollution would bankrupt it .
25 Chapman considered that to win the Double , Arsenal needed to be leading the League by a substantial margin before the Cup came round .
26 It is not possible to predict the types of security interests that will be created in the future and requiring registration of some such unforeseen interests could be unnecessarily burdensome ; even with respect to the known types of legal charge , particularly those conferring the right to possession , it would produce overkill ; and lastly it is claimed that to require the registration of all charges could dry up certain types of secured borrowing .
27 In your wedding article today ( ‘ All the frills of the fair ’ ) you state that to buy a wedding dress can cost between £500 and £2,500 .
28 For example , many a small child knows that to alleviate the pain and irritation of a nettle sting he need only reach for the nearest broad-leaved docken , ( Rumex obtusifolius ) and rub it on the offending part for instant relief .
29 The definitionalist might seek to save his position by arguing for a general principle of law to the effect that to intend an act is to intend it under a full description and that therefore in all crimes where the actus reus contains not only a conduct element but also circumstances and consequences , mens rea is to be taken as being ‘ coextensive with the actus reus . ’
30 An American , Heilman , suggested that to use a dictionary you need five subskills :
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