Example sentences of "that [det] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well I I say that that at the best I think it it 's just a question mark or a dash .
2 If I can just endorse what Stewart was saying the Parish Council talked to me as their consultant for a while and said look it seems that that with the with the actions of the er County Council writing to the Secretary of State to preempt the call-in procedures and the attitude of the District Council that this thing might well get local planning permission .
3 Erm within the limits of his repertoire he 'll shift his accent down towards that that of the workers erm shows them cooperation and that 's known as a downward convergence .
4 Erm I think that that in the same way as if we went down too low , could be considered to be er a change of strategy and I think what we 're about is to try and reflect the currently er approved structure plan strategy .
5 So do we understand from that that in the event it made only a few seconds difference , if at all ?
6 In the same way we can also define short periods of currency life ; it is from the composition of hoards that we know , for example , that neither of the two principal coinages of late twelfth- and thirteenth-century England , the Short Cross coinage of 1180–1247 and the Long Cross coinage of 1247–79 , survived in circulation after their production had stopped .
7 ‘ The problem is that neither of the two new systems being applied to our urban and rural services is suitable in the case of these long lengths of medium-use track , ’ says David Wilkinson , Regional Railways ' signalling and telecommunications engineer .
8 Kirk concluded that neither of the two methods showed superiority over the other .
9 There was a long , rather embarrassed silence during which Jack sensed that neither of the Shepherds believed a word they were saying , and were probably secretly scoffing at them .
10 The third possibility is that neither of the others can work .
11 The other major problem the region faced in trying to put together a strategy was that neither of the managing districts was actually convinced that it was feasible to provide a service completely devolved from the large hospitals .
12 The preceding discussion reaches the conclusion that neither of the dominant theories of contract achieves its aims of being an exposition of liberal philosophy .
13 A brave attempt , but ruined by the fact that neither of the elements are really up to much .
14 It is said that neither of the plaintiffs actually signed this acceptance , their apparent signatures being forgeries made by a person or persons unknown on behalf of the conspirators or their connected companies .
15 It is interesting to note that neither of the Palmotićs receives even a passing mention in Zvane Črnja 's standard Kulturna historija Hrvatske , although Jakita is described by Sir Arthur Evans as one of ‘ the most celebrated names in the long annals of Ragusan literature ’ and Junije is referred to by one English historian as ‘ the creator of the national drama ’ .
16 There can be no doubt that twenty-two years is a sounder regnal length for Penda than either ten or thirty and that neither of the two latter present a significant challenge to Bede 's figure .
17 More than one bid would probably be counter-productive because of the substantial danger that neither of the two bids would succeed .
18 The consequence is that neither of the two bands observed for the difluoride should be assigned to either of the expected group modes , the GeF 2 antisymmetric stretch and the GeH 2 rock ; both are due to whole-molecule modes ; with contributions from both group modes .
19 If you assume — as the Treasury does — that little of the original $128m debt owed to America by these countries would have been recovered anyway , this will cost the Treasury , over three years , the princely sum of $11m .
20 Surveys of less developed economies were , however , more confusing , with econometric studies suggesting that little of the growth in public spending could be explained' by rising incomes ( or low price elasticities ) .
21 In November 1990 the Ministry of Defence announced that not all of the 500,000-strong personnel of the NVA could be absorbed by the Bundeswehr , and that little of the large stock of weapons and munitions could be of use to the Bundeswehr .
22 The work is founded on the principle that each of the dead should be commemorated individually by name either on the headstone on the grave or by an inscription on a memorial .
23 Hence Jacques Derrida 's influential concept of ‘ différance ’ ( translated in English as at once difference and deferral ) , a concept enabling us to ‘ reconsider all the pairs of opposites on which philosophy is constructed and on which our discourse lives , not in order to see opposition erase itself but to see what indicates that each of the terms must appear as the différance of the other , as the other different and deferred in the economy of the same ’ .
24 The National Government had been allotted a definite task , and on its completion it is understood that Parliament should be dissolved as soon as circumstances permit , and that each of the parties should be left free to place its policy before the electors for their approval .
25 Reasonable people will decide that each of the Madrid conditions has been met .
26 What was most striking about the CMHTs , however , was that each of the teams sought to become involved with people with learning disabilities primarily in order to achieve planned changes in lifestyles , choices and opportunities .
27 Often these people believed that each of the components of nature — the forest , the rivers , the sky — was occupied and guarded by a jealous god , and they behaved as if that were the case .
28 Israel 's God would be unique only in the sense that each of the gods on Mount Olympus is unique , with a particular history of actions and involvement in the human world .
29 Gradually it was established that each of the many kinds of virus consisted of a core of a nucleic acid , either ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) or deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) ( see Chapter II ) , with a protein coat .
30 He was quite right to claim that each of the four cells at the end of the cleavage would form a normal larva .
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