Example sentences of "that [adv] [vb base] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A tax on — smoke or water-polluting production processes , or a higher tax on leaded petrol or a congestion tax on vehicles in city centres , or a duty on heavy lorries that badly damage road foundations , could be justified in these terms .
2 If routine interventions can be devised that effectively improve vitamin A status , the burden of xerophthalmia , other severe illness , and mortality in children will be substantially reduced .
3 Thus , for eurobond firms London has offered a pool of suitably trained labour ; in recent years , low levels of personal and corporate taxation ; a reasonable tax regime for financial instruments ( e.g. ability to issue bearer eurobonds that effectively pay interest gross and absence of turnover taxes — a particular handicap for the Swiss ) ; a supply of suitable premises ; the absence , since 1979 , of exchange controls ( although initially exchange controls were seen as an advantage , since eurobonds did not interfere with onshore sterling markets ) ; prudential and monetary regulations that have not historically tended significantly to raise the cost of funds , distort or prevent competition among domestic or international intermediaries ; English law ( widely accepted as a basis for international financial business ) ; the English language ; and political stability .
4 In estimating the cost of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy , the failures and recurrences that eventually need surgery must be taken into consideration .
5 The software houses have realised that the skills are not present , nor are they likely to be , and have compensated for this by providing either sample templates with the programs or even cut-down versions that only allow text to be entered into a pre-defined design .
6 And e if you look up there that extremely overbuilt area there is called the crown post truss .
7 And I have got a number of family services that just do Communion .
8 The group also discussed certain issues related to the implementation of panel reports , while on Dec. 7 Bangladesh proposed various measures in favour of LDCs ( although some participants argued that generally dispute settlement rules should apply equally to all GATT members ) .
9 Class Administration — activities that usually take place at the start of a lesson — settling pupils , giving general instructions , giving out material .
10 It seems a bit trivial to ask whether you have measured those parts of yourself that always give trouble ?
11 This picture also highlights that the mutations that directly affect CytR binding to deoP2 are positioned adjacent to and partially overlapping the regions protected from attack by hydroxyl radicals by CytR .
12 First , we should distinguish general externalities from things that directly affect market structure and the degree of competition .
13 So these pass on their rubbish to garbage companies , which transport it for burial to states like Ohio that still have landfill space .
14 So an information-based business must be structured around goals that clearly state management 's performance expectations for the enterprise and for each part and specialist and around organized feedback that compares results with these performance expectations so that every member can exercise self-control .
15 One important principle is that information is only valuable if it is used to inform decisions and actions that positively influence health .
16 D'Addario are very keen on the hi-tech side and have developed robotic machines that practically take care of plain strings , adding ball-ends , coiling and all .
17 The hub has no single point of failure , and incorporates intelligent systems that automatically prevent network failure .
18 The results show that the plasma membrane of HGT-1 cells contains ( a ) specific binding sites for omeprazole that probably reflect omeprazole sensitive H + , K + -ASTPase units ; and ( b ) high conductance K + channels that may represent the K + channels present in the basolateral membrane of gastric parietal cells .
19 These are damaged vascular cushions lining the rectum and anus which are aggravated as a result of the hormonal changes during pregnancy that also cause constipation .
20 Kodak markets Photo CD players ( prices start from £300 ) and a number of companies make CD-Rom drives that also play Photo CD discs .
21 Insomnia is treated by reassurance that sleep will improve when weight is regained and by behavioural techniques that also reduce anxiety .
22 Questions that simultaneously convey information and demand a response
23 All that one can profitably do is concentrate on weeding out the propositions with faulty grammar and those that contextually give rise to paradoxes .
24 If the senior manager role can not be rotated consultants in communicable disease control may be better served in another role — for example , as consultants in the many community health departments that now have trust status .
25 Particular areas that often require attention are discussed below .
26 Given the political pressures that often drive antitrust policy , a consistently optimal level of enforcement may be too much to ask for .
27 Host-guest assemblies of this type fall in the realm of supramolecular chemistry — the chemistry of synthetic receptors and large molecular assemblies that often mimic nature 's chemistry .
28 Laboratory rodents that spontaneously develop autoimmune type I diabetes did so at a much lower frequency when fed a synthetic chow free of cows ' milk protein , and recently a peptide antigen called p 69 was identified on rat insulinoma cells which cross reacts immunologically with a similar sequence present in bovine , but not human or rat , albumin .
29 Despite all this talk of changes in consciousness , no one has managed to find any physiological changes that uniquely distinguish hypnosis from the waking state .
30 The formula rewards authorities with large numbers of local independent providers and does not allocate resources to the authorities from which residents using that independently run care originated .
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