Example sentences of "that [noun prp] thought [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He muttered a curse that Isabel thought it best to ignore .
2 The pleasure was so intense that Isabel thought she was going to swoon .
3 And it did n't worry him when he got into the sensitive parts with his drill ; my strangled cries were of no avail and he carried on remorselessly to the end : I had the impression that Hector thought it was cissy to feel pain , or maybe he was of the opinion that suffering was good for the soul .
4 It was not until a long time afterwards that Catriona thought she understood the reason Sarah seemed young , which was simple : she looked directly at everyone and let them look back at her .
5 The cavern was so huge that Benny thought they must have hollowed out the entire mountain .
6 So many people were interested in Sidacai 's fate that Alexei thought it was amazing they had not combined to petition Artai .
7 She had been married for the last two years , to a man who really was a sewage plant manager ( Slater was quite hurt that Graham thought he 'd invented this detail for the sake of a joke ) .
8 The three boys set out , but they walked so slowly that Oliver thought they were not going to work at all .
9 Correctly feeling that Miranda thought she was being tiresome , she added , ‘ What counts in this tiff — as you call it — is the principle of the thing . ’
10 The most remarkable thing about this letter was that Knox thought it worthwhile making his appeal even although five days earlier the Lords of the Congregation had taken decisive action .
11 Ginny could only suppose that Ralph thought he was protecting her from a possible nuisance .
12 By treating her like a whore and raping her he has become the ‘ animal ’ that Blanche thought he was .
13 He paused dramatically , gazing so intently at each child below him that Sam thought he must be scanning their heads for lice .
14 Perhaps it was understandable that Gustave thought I was only jealous .
15 Dana stirred her tea , swirling it round and round so rapidly that Claudia thought she would wash it out of the cup .
16 There was a silence so heavy that Claudia thought it would shatter the phone , and when he spoke his voice was cold and remote .
17 Pamela was not , in our view , the minx that Fielding thought her .
18 Hey , do n't look so terrified , ’ she smiled , ‘ it 's only some letters and a little ornament that Gramps thought you might like .
19 It was so far from her usual style that Charles thought she must have undergone some violent change of personality .
20 Far more pertinent was the fact that Mendoros thought he could see a gap in a market about which he knew a great deal , and which he reckoned could best be filled from the UK .
21 When , calmer , he went to her room , Katelina was awake , and he was able to expend on her all that Diniz thought he was capable of .
22 His quarrel with the TUC was about the narrow vision that Millar thought they applied to education , confining themselves to practical day-to-day union matters and ignoring socialist principles .
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