Example sentences of "that [noun pl] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In spite of this , most studies agree that mergers have not on average improved the subsequent performance of the merging companies .
2 He also admitted that resellers did not know enough about Uniplex products .
3 Interviews conducted by Toner several centuries later suggest that attitudes have not altogether changed .
4 We found that researchers had often been guilty of assuming male dominance .
5 On the other hand , the explanation might lie in the study by Wagner ( 1984 ) , who stresses that researchers have usually focused upon PIMS data for an average four-year period .
6 If we assume that ducks peek randomly , briefly and independently of each other then the probability of the flock detecting a randomly attacking cat is given by P = 1 — e where n is the flock size .
7 It always seems odd , looking back on a turning-point in life , that bells did not ring and warning hooters go .
8 Moreover , they have no hesitation in stressing the point that builders do not operate or think in terms familiar to planners ; instead they look to ‘ market signals ’ .
9 But after initiation into an exhilarating world of sex , drugs and high-stakes risk , Michael finds that rewards do n't come cheap and Alex is a difficult friend to lose .
10 They also acknowledged that operators had initially delayed taking action for nearly an hour , in the belief that a gauge which showed an increase in radioactivity in the secondary system might be giving false readings .
11 That conclusion arose from a mathematical fact ( that operators did not commute ) , via rather abstract arguments involving the idea that the eigenstates of hermitean operators are the state vectors corresponding to the precise measurement of the observables the operators represent .
12 Of course , this does not mean that lecturers do not have stereotypes of , and views about , other disciplines which may be well or less well informed .
13 It is , however , vital that mothers realise that scans do not only detect abnormalities , they also detect multiple births , and have been one of the main factors in increasing the survival rate of twins and triplets over the last few years .
14 The other view is that institutions have just evolved .
15 Thus , as in the case of the USA , the size and complexity of the programmes , mixed successes , and the possibility that programmes have significantly reduced soil losses , or even the rate of decline rather than improved yields , point to the need for a longer and more sophisticated assessment than is given here .
16 And so it was that plans went ahead .
17 The fundamental difficulty , nevertheless , was that contemporaries had not ‘ foreseen … that the balance of payments on current account and the change in the gold and dollar reserves would bear little relationship to one another [ Cairncross , 1985 , 79 ] ; in particular there was a heavy outflow of capital to the sterling area .
18 Lord Scarman ( 1981 ) , in providing the social background to the Brixton disorders of 10–12 April 1981 , was at pains to point out that deprivations do not justify attacks on the police or excuse such disorders .
19 He added : ‘ Councillor Andrew should realise that cyclists do not kill pedestrians but cars kill cyclists and pedestrians .
20 Using these criteria GIRA SIC found that chains produced more than 70% of the UK 's fast food meals in 1990 , with American groups dominating the market .
21 The biggest problem is that loggers do not replace the felled trees with new saplings ; the option of creating plantations is largely ignored .
22 Matthews and his group have found that X-rays work well on these — they produce reaction products , but like PCBs these are amenable to further X-ray destruction .
23 In this city , everyone seems to have their finger in the gravy bowl , but there are greater and lesser evils that Sayles teases out very entertainingly through one of the finest scripts of its type .
24 We discuss the role of money in the Keynesian model in Chapter 22 where we see that a change in the money supply , according to this model , only affects national income through its effect on the rate of interest ; it is because of this that Keynesians have usually put more faith in fiscal rather than monetary policy .
25 With few notable exceptions , legal department tend to be small to medium in size and it is not uncommon to find that solicitors work along .
26 It is important to note that solicitors practising wholly overseas may go into partnership with foreign lawyers , whether RFLs or not but unless all the foreign lawyer partners are RFLs the partnership may not practise in England and Wales .
27 Hugh 's mother emptied her shopping-bag onto the carpet and Gina had the feeling of terror that wedding-presents had sometimes brought ; she wondered what on earth would happen if something went wrong .
28 Top of the list would be Television South-West , the West Country contractor , although Mr Romaine said that discussions had yet to be opened .
29 Questioning from the floor , led by Mr Brook Land , a high-priced London lawyer representing the disgruntled Yehuda Mendelson , revealed that shareholders had not been fully informed of the arrangements between Norton and its chairman , Jimmy Tildesley .
30 The Panel has introduced new rules trying to make sure that shareholders do not sell out too cheaply due to lack of independent advice and information .
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