Example sentences of "that [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Pliny the Elder , writing in the later first century AD , says that about the time of Vulso 's triumph statues of wood and terracotta ceased to be used at Rome and were replaced by luxuria from Asia Minor .
2 It did not help matters that about the time Rowell 's rather reluctant jab at some New Zealand rugby habits was being published it occupied space beside reports that the All Blacks had been over-vigorous — and sometimes over-the-top — in their match against New South Wales at Sydney .
3 It is a fact that for a time last year , there were no statements at all being issued about Northern Ireland by the Labour Party headquarters .
4 These changes show how financial pressures brought about the collapse of the early Roman coinage system ; so much so that it seems that for a time the Roman state had to fight the war on credit given by some of its citizens .
5 Although in the sixth century the Byzantine Emperor Justinian 's great generals Belisarius and Narses succeeded in reconquering much of the west , so that for a time the Mediterranean again became a Roman lake , in the following century Europe faced a dangerous new enemy .
6 At the same time , in political terms , Costa Rica has been drawn much more closely into the US sphere of influence during the 1980s , moving away from the neutral stance it previously took , so that for a time it was one of the host countries for the US-backed Nicaraguan Contras .
7 Li Yuan stood at the rail , looking out across the darkness of the lake , his sense of ease , of inner stillness , lulling him so that for a time he seemed aware only of the dull murmur of the voices behind him and the soft lapping of the water against the wooden posts of the jetty .
8 It is little surprise that they are saying that for the time being they will give Mrs Cresson the ‘ benefit of the doubt ’ .
9 More important , however , was the fact that for the time being other parties of the right — the Carlists and especially the CEDA — commanded the support of those to whom fascism might otherwise have hoped to appeal .
10 Of its 450 members , 162 last month signed a letter arguing that for the time being Ukraine should hold on to its nuclear weapons .
11 As you will see from the heading to this minute , I have decided that for the time being we are ‘ the Strategy Unit ’ .
12 But it is included in the deposit plan of the greenbelt by the County Council , that 's greenbelt land , so I think bearing in mind what the the panel said the other day , I can accept this discussion that for the time being we assume that is in the greenbelt .
13 But the Coroner says that for the time being , Marc 's death will remain a mystery .
14 Of course , she too eventually left my staff to get married , but I can vouch that during the time she worked as housekeeper under me , she was nothing less than dedicated and never allowed her professional priorities to be distracted .
15 Relations between Modi and Madame Hébuterne became so strained , with Jeanne refusing to give him up and Madame cursing him and his art , that after a time he moved away to stay in the Hôtel Tarelli , 5 Rue de France .
16 On returning she is guaranteed a job at the same level and of similar content to the one she left , but ‘ the plan is that nearer the time I start to discuss my return with management and personnel ’ .
17 So seriously , too , did I take myself in it , that from the time I was sixteen I found myself hardly letting a week pass without writing one or two descriptions — of a man , or a place , or a walk — in a manner largely founded on Jefferies ' Amateur Poacher , Kingsley 's Prose Idylls , and Mr. Francis A. Knight 's weekly contributions to the Daily News , but doubtless with tones supplied also by Shelley and Keats , and later on by Ruskin , De Quincey , Pater , and Sir Thomas Browne …
18 Some may find it surprising nevertheless that in a time of cut-backs in state spending , thousands of millions of pounds have been spent on youth training since 1981 .
19 It seemed that in no time she was forced indoors by huge raindrops that appeared to have come from nowhere .
20 Pace the unjustified slur , naming 10 famous Belgians is easy , even if the Singing Nun , the Mannekin Pis and Hercule Poirot are declared ineligible ( and Jacques Brel counts five of most other countries ' famous people in our book ) — and there could just be another one soon , in the person of Finance Minister Philippe Maystadt , who could become the father of a whole new economics after his proposal that Belgium levy a robot tax on factory machines to get humans back to work : it 's a great idea , and why not take it further and ban construction machinery from the roads to get the shovels back into navvies ' hands — and no doubt computers can be included under the tax , so that in no time , in a dramatic return to Victorian values , while the Belgian economy may not actually start booming , the country will have the world 's biggest quill pen industry .
21 Lori 's suite was several floors above , but the express lift whisked her upwards , so that in no time at all she was knocking on the door .
22 I judge that in the time it takes the lift to creep the height of the building I have to be out the door and on my way .
23 ‘ Mr Stevens , I may not have been a housekeeper for long , but I would say that in the time I have been , my abilities have attracted some very generous remarks . ’
24 She found that in the time allowed four-fifths of the adult pairs conversed , looked or smiled at each other .
25 One has the impression that in the time that followed the war , compared with the pre-war period , there occurred a change which might be called a loosening of manners .
26 The Council of 500 was drawn from the demes in proportion to their population ( see p. 112 ) and it is now known ( for instance ) that in the time of Kleisthenes no more than one-quarter of known Athenians can be attributed to city demes .
27 ‘ It is said that in the time of Shang they would take a tortoise shell and cover it with ink , then throw it into a fire .
28 As seen above , for example , there appear to have been two " regular " as distinct from any possible " ceremonial " investitures , apparently called and defined just below — while Abdurrahman Efendi was Rumeli kazasker ( 958–64/1551 7 ) , namely in 959 and 963 ; and Ata'i states that in the time of his successor , Molla Hamid ( Hamid ) , Rumeli kazasker from 964/1557 to 974/5566 , were decreed in Dhu " l-Hijja 968/August-September 1561 and in Sha'ban 973/March 1566 : thus the period 958 to 974 saw in 959 , 963 , 968 , and 973 .
29 I hope that in the time of the consultation they actually begin to take on board the fact that we 're talking about human beings .
30 During our work with this widow , whose husband had died very unexpectedly , it turned out that since the time of his death until the time she contacted us , she had kept herself in a state of perpetual motion between her house and that of her son who lived some fifty miles away .
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