Example sentences of "that she [was/were] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Six million if you do n't mind , ’ was Christy Turlington 's reply to designer Valentino 's suggestion that she was worth a million dollars .
2 One of these documents had informed her that she was to be attached to a Mr Victor Wilcox , Managing Director of J. Pringle & Sons , for one day a week during the remainder of the winter term , and she had chosen Wednesdays for this undertaking since it was the day she normally kept free from teaching .
3 Maria replied that she was to be allowed to come for two days in the week following her letter .
4 The next day all this was swept from their minds when a letter arrived from Eileen , saying that she was to be married by special licence .
5 The letter had definitely stated that she was to be met .
6 With the plaintiff 's cooperation and the assistance of care , they have seen to it that the plaintiff was not to be institutionalised and that she was to be brought back into a loving home and encouraged to be the thinking , intelligent and lively person she still is .
7 Perhaps he 'd come to tell her he 'd changed his mind about his decision that she was to be his ‘ girlfriend ’ until Travis was over her , she mused , and , since courtesy cost nothing , she invited him in .
8 This , she realised , was what lay behind that dreadful feeling of alarm she had experienced when Naylor had first stated that she was to be his ‘ girlfriend ’ .
9 The air crews used to flock around the office even more now that she was with us , and in particular a navigator called Henry who made numerous attempts to date her .
10 It was a relief to know that she was with Eve Malone for the morning , those two could talk until the cows came home .
11 He must have noticed that she was with child .
12 The farm workers took their seats , and she sat at the top of the table , so that she was with them , but a little apart .
13 Eileen came on leave on 28 August and it was fortunate that she was with her mother .
14 Cos we did n't want the four , th the ladies that she was with they knew what was happening but nobody else knew
15 Even in the worst hours she never gave any public impression that she was on the ropes .
16 She needed someone to talk to about it all , needed a sharer of secrets , an ear to listen to her plans and , above all , someone to agree that she was on the right course , that both shopping expedition and holiday were what she stood in urgent need of .
17 She wanted an indication that she was on target for a good performance in the London Marathon on April 21 .
18 As Martha tried on each garment in turn , Elizabeth could see that she was on the verge of tears .
19 Through the glass she saw that she was on a shelf in the potion laboratory and the tall figure of her form-mistress was swirling out of the door .
20 It was all quite innocent , he was genuinely worried that she was on her own .
21 She had n't told Alice , that she was on the hook .
22 Those who wished to appeal more directly to fascist or nazi ideas would criticize her Christian and anti-German ideas , while stating that she was on the right track .
23 The anxiety that she was on the point of doing so created a mounting sense of urgency during the 1870s .
24 Prince Charles never offered to help and when , in desperation , she contacted the press office at Buckingham Palace , they told her that she was on her own .
25 But seeing the pleading in her eyes and aware that she was on the very brink of womanhood , he knew that he must give her her head and allow her to marry if that was what she wanted .
26 The grim knowledge that she was on the verge of suffocation appalled me and when she stumbled and almost fell the hand in my pocket gripped more tightly on the scalpel which I had taken from my car along with the adrenalin .
27 Her flight would have convinced him that she was on her way to betray him and who knew what it would enter his confused mind to do to her ?
28 The 499 ton salvage tug then sent out a Mayday distress call to the effect that she was on fire and sinking .
29 Since the night he kissed her he had woken her for her watch by hammering on the deckhead until she shouted that she was on her way .
30 Joanne had torn a ligament so badly refereeing a basketball match that she was on morphine for a week after hospital surgery , and could n't even walk let alone play golf .
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