Example sentences of "that they leave the " in BNC.

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1 It may be that they left the gate open when they went , and Joe just trotted out . ’
2 Adam insisted that they left the AmTrak Crescent at its penultimate stop in New Jersey .
3 Even Jews who had been released from concentration camps on strict condition that they left the Fatherland immediately were obliged to pay for the round trip .
4 Has the Liberal party broken a convention , or was it merely a display of bad manners that they left the Chamber immediately after their spokesman had finished ?
5 On a Formica table it was so patently stupid that they left the shaking and washing and ironing of it to her in contempt .
6 And as often happens , United were so committed to attack , that they left the drawbridge down at the back and Lemon scored another in the last minute to make it Hereford 1 ; Chesterfield 3 .
7 And I remember that they left the key in the house and , and they locked , locked , locked the
8 However , their big advantage is that they leave the purchaser with unlimited upside potential in the event of a favourable exchange rate movement .
9 Speaking of Tynagh he said the company had failed to fulfil the only planning obligation required of them : that they leave the place as near as possible to how they found it .
10 One way and another , it appears that the search for a new chief executive for IBM Corp is not going too well as one after another , the most fancied candidates declare that they are non-runners — so long after their names were first widely canvassed in the press that they leave the strong impression that they have considered or been considered for the job , but after having looked into it , decided that they would n't touch it with a bargepole : latest to declare his belated non-candidacy is former Hewlett-Packard Co chief executive John Young , who says he is ‘ definitely not a candidate ’ — ‘ He 's enjoying retirement , ’ said a Hewlett spokeswoman ; all attention is now focussed on the thought-to-be front runners that have n't ruled themselves out — Paul Stern , recently retired chairman and tough manager of Northern Telecom Ltd , who could be planning to repeat his double act at that company with another former IBMer , Edward Lucente , who has also just resigned from Northern Telecom ; the other two whose odds have shortened are George Fisher , chairman and chief executive of Motorola Inc , Morton Myerson , chairman of Perot Systems Corp , and Louis Gerstner , head of RJR Nabisco Co ; industry sources told Reuter that the name of Michael Armstrong keeps coming up within IBM — but he quit only a year ago , and has just taken the top job at Hughes Aircraft Co .
11 Those who during the week at Lake Nona took the opportunity to ask questions about the running of America 's LPGA circuit , are convinced that it is to the players ' advantage that they leave the running of the association to its staff while they themselves concentrate on their golf .
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