Example sentences of "that they [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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2 Forster is a product of those revolutions : he deals with the changes that they brought about , showing women free of the strict codes of respectability and suitability , but defining themselves in pursuit of a new code of emotional truth which still haunts us today .
3 The fact that they arranged for a petition from the inhabitants of Southwark , complaining about those who had welcomed the Palatines , to be presented to the Commons on the same day that they brought in the bill of repeal , suggests that contemporary politicians ( unlike some modern-day historians ) did believe that popular pressure could have a powerful impact on events at Westminster .
4 The sole result was that they brought back a hatred of all Europeans , except the Germans , whose courage they admired .
5 One was quite hot and spicy but I 'd forgotten what we had for the first two the two that they brought out .
6 Do you know that newspaper that they brought out , the European , and it 's like , just to , just
7 They stopped at the end of the harbour wall , and Miguel gently drew Shelley against him , so that they walked back linked together .
8 Bakker also argued that the brontosaur footprints found in the 1930s in the Cretaceous Texas limestone showed left and right footprints close to the trackway centreline , hinting that they walked upright .
9 When people of the late 1970s and 1980s remembered those heady times it was the ludicrous lack of realism that they recalled rather than the idealism — ‘ hippie ’ had become simply a term of abuse .
10 Most people vary enormously in the reserves that they have available , so that the things that floor them at the end of term may be the same small irritations that they sailed through at the beginning .
11 They had a mass of worthless artefacts from crowns to Papal tiaras that they hired out .
12 He could see from the number of bells beside each door that they 'd nearly all been turned into flats now , or dentists ' surgeries , and some were in urgent need of renovation , but they still retained some of their former grandeur , or was it pretension ?
13 But then we made a sort of left turn with ‘ Tusk ’ , which dumbfounded a lot of people , not just the record company who obviously wanted the market , but a certain amount of the public who were expecting something that they 'd already labelled and were comfortable with .
14 Oh to get your bargains oh yes they would n't , there were n't really good fridges in those days , there was co col cold rooms but erm they would be glad to get rid of the meat that they 'd already got cut up you see , and the barker , they used to call them the barkers , standing outside you see and get your fresh meat and so on , so on , so on , so you know and er to get the custom in you see , oh there was real competition between the barkers and there were barkers standing in road .
15 Funny that they 'd both been heading for the same place , though .
16 It was fortunate that they 'd both driven back to the farmhouse after leaving the nightclub , before carrying on to the forest in Adam 's car , so her own vehicle was parked outside in the courtyard .
17 ( And in the alleyway behind The Gilded Cage , the three teenagers crouched high amidst the rubbish and looked down on the body of the middle-aged woman that they 'd just uncovered .
18 The penalty seemed pretty clear-cut and it was a stroke of luck that they 'd just substituted Fashanu as he is their usual penalty taker ( pretty reliable from what I can recall ) .
19 And then , when I know what I 'm doing , I thought that they 'd just had that .
20 These are increasingly hard to get — a Coventry welfare rights centre had so many claimants complaining that they 'd not received their statutory entitlement to maternity grants that the centre has printed a special complaints form .
21 When Mark and his cohorts eventually emerged from the dark recesses of the studio and delivered the Talk Talk album that they 'd always wanted to make to the band 's record label , more than one EMI executive jaw hit the lush EMI executive suite carpet .
22 ‘ In 1945 , ’ Husband said , ‘ they were trading cigarettes-which were better than gold in those days — for party cards and affidavits that they 'd always been true Worker Youths-once they found themselves in the Russian Zone .
23 In her state of extreme nervous tension she had clutched those dollars so tightly that they 'd almost disintegrated .
24 There were seven of them , and it was a source of perpetual wonder to me that they 'd ever learned to speak their own languages , never mind anyone else 's .
25 Over fourteen pounds born , he was the heaviest child that they 'd ever delivered .
26 And then we found out that they 'd actually caught you .
27 Now you get the health problems caused by over tight corseting , which led to constriction of lungs , of ribs , in some cases , punctured lungs , a lot of cases of T B in the eighteen forties were in fact where the corset had compressed the ribs so tightly , that they 'd actually punctured the lung .
28 That they 'd better stop buying Israeli .
29 But the government front bench denied opposition claims that they 'd deliberately delayed the decision to boost Tory support on the eve of the Party Conference .
30 I knew that they 'd still written me a , a second letter , like asking permission to send it through the erm what do you call it ?
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