Example sentences of "that not [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Without giving me a chance to explain you 've decided that not only am I guilty , but I 'm a moron as well . ’
2 As it is used in the draft poem it seems to imply that not only are the decadent versions of primitive sexual rituals inane , the god dead and impotent , however passionate the rituals of his worship , but that even the ultimate act of martyrdom is a sexual indulgence .
3 Inevitably this means that not only are individual consciousnesses unique but that the consciousnesses of one epoch may differ as greatly from those of another as do the construed worlds of a polar Eskimo and a city dweller in New York .
4 Despite John Ruskin 's strictures ( ‘ Such works as … the iron roofs and pillars of our railway stations … are not architecture at all ’ ) , it is now generally admitted that not only are they architecture but they are also works of art .
5 ‘ It seems that not only are you supposed to enjoy sex , but you 're supposed to talk about how much you enjoy it .
6 There has been an increase in life expectancy , with the result that not only are there more elderly people , but there is also a greater likelihood that children will have left home long before the parents ' death .
7 If we take the former interpretation of the increase in rape reporting then this would mean that not only are more men raping , but also the judiciary is increasingly allowing them to get away with it .
8 She refers , in particular , to radical feminists who turn on its head the criticism that women are more emotional than men , and claim that not only are women more emotional , but that this is their strength , and that in comparison , men are enfeebled , deadened and impoverished creatures .
9 It frightens me to think that not only are we so vulnerable to these monsters but also that we are constantly blamed for being provocative or careless .
10 A downward spiral of drink and drugs eventually affects both twins — Elliot believes that not only are they partly telepathic but also that they share chemical effects in their blood streams .
11 The present case suggests that not only are counsel under a duty to point out errors they observe but , citing Donoghue , that ‘ it would be helpful ’ if counsel for the prosecution were to make a check list of essential directions and draw attention to any omissions before the retirement of the jury .
12 A closer look at this data supports the obvious view that not only are there different rates of accidents among manual occupations but also that rates of accidents are higher in occupations with high proportions of manual than non-manual workers .
13 I consider that one of the great benefits of public investigation is that not only are the guilty found guilty but the innocent are exonerated if false charges are made .
14 Comparing Figs. 3.4(a) and 3.4(b) it is apparent that not only are the characteristics still sinusoidal but also the value of peak static torque is unchanged .
15 ‘ I still think it 's a bit odd that not only are your staff here all women , but also all stunningly attractive to boot .
16 They interpret the studies as showing that not only are central details more likely to be attended to in the arousal condition , but that since even when only one eye fixation is permitted the same results occur , there must be differences in the processing of arousing material in addition to the original attentional effect .
17 Suffice to say that not only are Leeds a better side when he s in it , but his influence will rub off onto all the players at Leeds , young and old .
18 The latest official road safety figures released here show that not only are French roads still among the most murderous in Europe but that within France the highest number of dead and injured are on roads in and around Marseilles .
19 But I think we , we , we do have to recognize that , that not only are we looking at a land reform process which is providing a lot of peasants with what
20 And it could be said that not only is it about imitation — it is also , as are other tours de force , itself an imitation of something .
21 In the wake of major advances in medicine and technology it 's interesting to hear that not only is acupuncture still used for many human conditions , but there is also an increasing trend toward using acupuncture for pets .
22 The second social consequence of care that emerges from Carlen 's work is that not only is the education of the young person seriously neglected , but so , too , is the emotional development .
23 One drawback of this style of argument is that not only is the harm serious for the victim , but conviction for such an offence is serious for the defendant : a single class of offenders ( rapists , serious wounders ) would contain not only those with subjective fault but also those who merely failed to take proper care , all of whom would be convict.ed of a grave offence carrying a maximum of life imprisonment .
24 Perhaps a more fruitful line of argument is to emphasize that not only is rape a serious matter for the victim , but the ascertainment of one vital fact — consent — is a relatively easy matter for the man .
25 To know the occasion of the poem is helpful in any case , since it allows the reader to see that not only is Leapor making a burlesque of her own appearance , but satirizing the gentleman as well , and in a broad sense , the male gaze .
26 The public , as ratepayers , should realize that not only is all compensation paid out of the land-drainage budget , but that the fees of the landowner 's agent are also financed entirely out of the public purse of the water authority or other public body carrying out the scheme .
27 You 'll find that not only is he no oil-painting ( more like The Picture of Dorian Gray ) , but he 's dull , predictable , lacklustre , hidebound , sexist and clumsy .
28 The exam itself has been the subject of considerable dispute , with accusations that not only is the marking inconsistent and some of the markers corrupt , but that the DET and the homelands education authorities frequently ‘ move the goalposts ’ by altering the pass levels year by year .
29 However , we believe that not only is such a stance disingenuous , but it also promotes a fundamentally flawed political strategy and reproduces naive notions of academic objectivity .
30 Although it is not possible to list here the groups , individuals and parishes who have helped us so far , I wish all to know that not only is their contribution needed but also greatly appreciated .
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