Example sentences of "that he have some " in BNC.

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1 Dana did not ask to see my own poems , which at once made me suspect that he had some knowledge of them already .
2 Wires announcing that he had some leave would be sent to the delightful telegraphic address of B.P. which was ‘ Bonzo ’ .
3 ‘ He says that he had some grub here , around half-past four on Wednesday morning .
4 Sandison suspected that he had some kind of private income but , judging by the state of his clothes , his means , from whatever source , were limited .
5 Hall appeared with a letter from the Duke , who perhaps not unexpectedly said that he had some ‘ pressing business in Scotland ’ and , therefore , regretfully had to resign his duties , 2 although Burn later said that this was due to the death of the Duke 's uncle .
6 Peter wished that he had some kind of weapon .
7 Using the tides to his advantage , he had beaten to windward across St Austell Bay as far as Deadman Point , and to his crew of six who manned the sheets and tended the lines , it had seemed that he had some magic way with him : every time they lost the fish , he would put about and find the shoal again , so that his lads hardly had time to swallow a hunk of bread or a gill of ale from one end of the day to the other .
8 You can not deny a priori that he had some sort of sincere ideological outlook in his formative years .
9 Their Lordships held that it was insufficient for the immigration officer to show that he had some reasonable grounds for his action .
10 I mean , is it possible that he had some emotional involvement outside the family ? ’
11 Richard patted himself to see that he had some matches on him , a gesture which appealed to Nenna , and walked off up the Embankment to call a taxi .
12 She knew that he had some evil plan , but she was too frightened to give Sir Henry a clear warning .
13 She was in love with Piers , and , now that she had accepted the agony of knowing that her love was n't returned , maybe she could fight for him , could fight to win his heart , because it was silly to assume that he had some sort of woman in his life simply because the astrologer , a girl hardly older than herself , had implied as much .
14 If Paul Lexington were describing the situation , he would undoubtedly have said that he had some good news and some bad news .
15 said at a press conference in May that he had some misgivings about a formal sentence bargain , but thought it would be possible to devise a procedure which would be acceptable .
16 Stair , who usually ignored Neil since his brother had given up his privileged life and become an East End doctor , occasionally felt that he had some sort of duty to him ; he was , after all , his heir .
17 Further research may demonstrate that he had some knowledge of science and of medicine .
18 But it does seem that he had some hint of the future : not only does his idea of the arena in which Pandemonium ( 1831 ) took place look like Wembley Stadium but his high-rise Tower of Babel in Belshazzar 's Feast might almost have been modelled on the General Accident Life building now going up at the side of Lendal Bridge on the way to York 's Railway Station .
19 Mr Sheffield said as Mr Elderfield was not complying with his medication it may well be that he had some form of epileptic fit but it could not be said with complete confidence .
20 Hobbes ‘ s talk of ‘ true ratiocination ’ is an indication that he has some theory of what reason or ratiocination is , some explanation or analysis of it .
21 Talking to a tobacconist I found that he has some women customers and a range of smaller pipes for them to choose from .
22 Although his head and body are bent towards her in paternal concern , their tension indicates that he wants to be elsewhere ; away from hysterical females , generally , and , in particular , at his lunchdate with the Chinese antique dealer who has hinted over the telephone that he has some particularly fine pieces of Ban Chieng that the National Museum will never see hidden away in his back room .
23 By the time a patient comes to consult me ( of any other professional therapist for that matter ) , he is aware that he has some sort of problem in his life and that he wants to get to the bottom of it .
24 Of course , he is n't so naive as to suggest that he has some privileged hot-line to the 16th and 17th centuries .
25 We asked you for a letter written by a father to his son admitting that he has some embarrassing or socially undesirable condition .
26 One might , for instance , use the maxim to infer that because Eeyore 's sigh is a non-linguistic action , it 's a better sign that he 's out of thistles than Rabbit 's words are that he has some honey .
27 Someone , for example , who finds himself in the embarrassing situation of seeming to have winked at an unknown passer-by may offer the account that he has some grit in his eye — this often accompanied by a flurry of overacted eyelid-rubbing and nose-blowing .
28 Once it is assumed that the third party would be liable to the plaintiffs for damages of a particular kind , it must follow that he has some responsibility for those damages .
29 This is a shame , for although he 's admittedly playing to a club audience , you do n't have to suppress the songs to maintain the groove — and the doctor has proved with ‘ Killer ’ and tonight 's storming version of ‘ Flashback Jack ’ , that he has some potent stimulants in his black bag .
30 This is a shame , for although he 's admittedly playing to a club audience , you do n't have to suppress the songs to maintain the groove — and the doctor has proved with ‘ Killer ’ and tonight 's storming version of ‘ Flashback Jack ’ , that he has some potent stimulants in his black bag .
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