Example sentences of "that have [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is what seems to have been behind the ‘ skinhead ’ or ‘ boot-boy ’ phenomenon that has been a part of football hooliganism .
2 This gives women equal access to a pavilion that has been a male preserve for 125 years and leaves Lord 's as English cricket 's last bastion of discrimination .
3 It should be realised that the explosion of extreme-right support that has been a feature of most western European countries in greater or lesser degree throughout the 1980s is far from a totally homogeneous phenomenon .
4 Ironically , it 's the simplicity that has been a major headache for distributors Oak Marketing .
5 But the Leeds manager is almost certainly on the point of making a move — and the priority is the right-back position that has been a problem all season because of the absence of Mel Sterland .
6 But the Leeds manager is almost certainly on the point of making a move and the priority is the right-back position that has been a problem all season because of Mel Sterland 's absence .
7 The British pride themselves on having developed a system of government that has been a model for the rest of the world .
8 At this stage , you know , we do n't have in our situation because we 're very poor any kind of gifts that can give a valid expression even as a token of the tremendous support you 've all given us over many many years and decades in Britain that has been a source of inspiration .
9 The fast growth in the sixties gave an ‘ age-bump ’ that has been a bit of a problem , with about a third of the IBM population between 40 and 50 now , and a steady rise in the average age in this ‘ young men 's business ’ to about 38 in 1989 .
10 Erm basically we 've spent more than we 've erm taken in but that was a deliberate policy agreed on by the committee we 've already mentioned Norman 's flats erm that has been a most worthwhile expenditure and we 've got to look at that as a long-term investment because we 've got flats which are going to last for years and our expenditure which was getting on for fifteen hundred pounds will not have to be repeated .
11 Erm that has been a matter of serious discussion here and I know with some of the local authorities , and the fact of the matter is sir that we feel that if we look at the agricultural land quality of this county , if you were to have a criteria based policy which included the requirement that strategic sites should avoid good quality agricultural land erm you have n't got a policy at all because this is a county which has mostly its territory covered by good quality agricultural land especially in those parts of this county where strategic development might be expected to actually happen .
12 THE French market bid a cheery au revoir to Edith Cresson , glad to see the back of a government that has been the source of much uncertainty , even outright damage , for the Paris market .
13 Exploiting the nationalist rhetoric that has been the hallmark of the Congress , Mr Yeltsin promised to support the 25 million Russians living in other Commonwealth states .
14 Exploiting the nationalist rhetoric that has been the hallmark of the Congress , Mr Yeltsin promised to support the 25 million Russians living in other Commonwealth states .
15 For some I know this is simply not enough , but as the years go by I find that Chopin 's ultra-refined eloquence of utterance responds more readily to an unforced , more integrated style than the ferocious changeability that has been the very kernel of Chopin playing for the last twenty or thirty years .
16 It is just this protection that has been the justification for farrowing pens .
17 MDC 's success or failure will inevitably be judged on its ability to develop quite different approaches to urban development than the physical regeneration process that has been the hallmark of its achievements to date .
18 If she is wise , she will soon get the message , and think to herself ‘ Oh well , so long as they 're happy , that 's all that matters ’ — an attitude that has been the saving grace of many mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationships .
19 In the interests of maintaining the friendly atmosphere and camaraderie of crowd and players that has been the hallmark of rugby union above all sports for so very long , we must minimise the confrontational aspects of these occasions , whilst respecting and enjoying the traditions and pride of the individual countries involved .
20 But this leads us into the area of secularisation that has been the most damaging to the Christian church .
21 The Royal Mail 's new mountain bike lookalike is a million weary miles from the boneshaker that has been the mailman 's rusty steed .
22 Looking back , I think it is probably that constant contact with our community of wood lovers that has been the highlight of my time at Woodworker .
23 The Recommendations look to the future and describe what the author of the report thinks should be done about the problem that has been the subject of so much investigation .
24 Yet it is migration to and from rural areas that has been the main concern of rural geographers in the last century , and so attention is now turned to the first major theme of this chapter , rural population change .
25 All the cases of leukaemia in Thurso were centred on this estate , which lies just within 12.5 km of Dounreay , so that the excess there was much higher than in the next cumulative zone , which included the eastern half of the town ( within 16.6 km ) , a difference that has been the subject of much comment .
26 However , The Times warned that the deal took Citizens into a much larger market in Massachusetts , ‘ a state that has been the graveyard of more banks than the federal authorities would care to remember . ’
27 Yet family planning programmes have almost invariably focused upon the cessation of childbearing after two or three children , a tactic that has been the signal to many women and couples that the service did not meet their needs .
28 I join the House in expressing sympathy to the families who have been so griveously bereaved through this tragedy , a tragedy that has been the experience of so many of the British people in Ulster over the past 20 years .
29 Based on the following , delegates , I 've been lucky like many of you , to live in a country where I have had available to me a National Health Service that has been the envy of the world .
30 It was going to be used as a gardening shed for tomatoes but for me it has been the history and finding out about its past that has been the fun .
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