Example sentences of "that be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Smaje 's main role has been to mastermind the changes of behaviour that are a necessary requisite of the new operating style .
2 These are two main types : those that are basically preparatory schools preparing very young children for entry to a highly academic independent school later on — and those that are a fee-paying alternative to maintained nursery schools , either because pre-school places are in short supply or because the school adopts a particular educational philosophy , such as the Montessori method .
3 Staff of the Tectonics and Database Group ( bringing together the former Deep Geology Group and the Land Survey database staff ) continued to provide much specialist input to the multidisciplinary mapping projects that are a major part of the BGS Core programme .
4 These are not just talking heads : their testimonies are a fascinating mix of anecdote and analysis that are a real credit to the film-makers ' skills .
5 will will know , and my daughter says , if she 's got children that are a real problem , she 'd want to know what their homes like , and that usually gives an answer , which you too .
6 If you are going to live in a two-storey , or more , dwelling , choose one with staircases that are a reasonable width , with handrails or bannisters , well lit , with no awkward corners or sudden changes in stair depth and with well-fitting stair carpets .
7 The chamomile was found to have antiviral properties that aid recovery from the viral infections that are a common cause of the diarrhoea which , in turn , causes the dehydration .
8 This appeal to common decencies has traditionally been expressed in developing policies that are a direct response to current needs .
9 areas of the function , where things that are a little bit out of the ordinary start happening .
10 So parents tend not to hear about the things that really go on a lot of the time in nearly all schools and they do hear a bit about the things that are a little bit different , so they can get quite a distorted picture of , of what 's going on .
11 THERE is not better way to underline the problems of distance and climate that are a unique hallmark of the game in Canada than … talking to Canadian RU executive director John Billingsley who mentioned his Ottawa lawn had been deep in snow for more than three months — in Vancouver I was about to bring out the mower for the third time in a garden bright with spring blossoms .
12 When not doing his rare caddying stints , Tip can be found enjoying a beer and an occasional rum-chaser at the Dunvegan Hotel , overlooking those revered links that are a constant reminder of his glory years , and a spur to his memory when the young caddies ask him about the good old days .
13 No it is n't , because I think if you , what you can do very very easily is assess those that are a likely on jurisdictional grounds to be rejected .
14 In this country , it is often assumed that teachers are a law unto themselves once they are inside the classroom and that it is their professional training and sense of professional responsibility that are the chief influences on their practice .
15 ‘ It 's the hymns that are the great stumbling block , ’ Everard went on , ‘ but really the only thing is to abandon oneself to the words uncritically and let them flow over one . ’
16 Yet they see nothing inconsistent with objecting to a well-engineered nuclear waste disposal plant which is clearly necessary to dispose safely of irradiated material already created ; or to properly regulated high-combustion chemical waste disposal plants that are the only alternative ( unless we get rid of the chemical industry ) to toxic wastes being dumped surreptitiously in some field or on some beach .
17 And yet his stories are powerful studies of those living on the edge of life ; of the bitterness and intangible hostility that are the real consequences of deprivation , misfortune and wasted lives .
18 It is dispersals of this People 's University of books bequeathed by the Victorians and their successors up to the postwar years that are the real reason for the library 's losing its soul , as Richard Hoggart so aptly put it .
19 It is the positions of the international boundaries and access to natural resources that are the real bones of contention .
20 Hardly : the history of the world teaches us that it is the new form of arrowhead , the canny general , the full stomach and the prospect of plunder that are the decisive factors in war , rather than sentimental minds drooling about home .
21 It is the secrecy and lack of accountability that are the present system 's greatest faults .
22 So , in a paper written to commemorate the life and work of Danny Lehrman , whose critical interest in ethology and psychiatry had been considerable , I argued pessimistically ( Crook 1977 a ) that an understanding of the primate behaviour I had been reviewing ‘ provides no more than a kind of educational backcloth — a reference literature for university courses on human evolution and that it can not begin to touch upon the existential issues that are the central focus of living human relations .
23 As the metal-ligand bonding is likely to involve the very orbitals that are the lower levels in such transitions , the transition energies are greatly affected by the metal center , generally shifting to higher energy compared with those in the free ligand .
24 said to him about it when we first came and er , he said about when , when we were on about sending and I do n't , they 're going to a Catholic school and he says oh the Catholic schools around here are n't very good and the , the Leeds and that are the best
25 Critics of foreign ownership argue that British plants may become satellite plants or screwdriver plants , involved in the low value-added parts of the production process , providing jobs that are the first to disappear in times of difficulty .
26 It is just as well for him , therefore , that all the chicks , when they hatch , have firmly planted in their minds the notion that they must follow those two massive three-toed feet that are the first large moving things they see .
27 That are the two , two main ingredients of being a good parent in my opinion .
28 Their role has been structural in the sense that it is the social security rules , rather than personal failure or character defect , that are the relevant factor to be considered .
29 Opinion polls suggest that , as in Britain as a whole , it is the economy , employment and living standards rather than strong nationalist feelings that are the key factors likely to decide the outcome of the Election .
30 As a consequence , the functional modules of the brain may well be bigger than the individual areas of the cortex or subcortical nuclei that are the conventional units of analysis .
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