Example sentences of "that the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , I have it on good authority that the same arkie has been invited to attend the South of England Rally this year .
2 At the same time , we know that the same mercy can be shown by God to those who have known both divorce and remarriage . ’
3 Klein ( 1989 ) argues that the same emphasis on efficiency and administrative rationality characterised internal Labour party debates on the final shape and form of the service and went hand in hand with their commitment to equity and equality .
4 One can claim compensation for the dismaying experience of a spoilt holiday : it is strange that the same principle does not apply to the breaking of obligations under employment contracts .
5 It could be argued that the same principle also applies to the misuse of inside information .
6 The majority of the Court of Appeal concluded that the same principle should not apply in the case of such public authorities .
7 The plaintiffs argue that the same principle should apply in favour of making an order that the defendant should deliver up such property on the basis that such an order is not an order for discovery and that the authorities relating to discovery have no application .
8 When night fell we were appalled to find that the same principle had been carried over to the highway .
9 ‘ The engine then answered so much better than anything which had been tried before that the same principle has been followed ever since . ’
10 Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd. v. Kamsing Knitting Factory ( 1978 P.C. ) established that the same principle applies where the innocent party immediately accepts the anticipatory breach as a repudiation of the contract .
11 Just to underline what my hon. Friend is saying , it is also the case that the profile takes into account second homes , so that the same principle applies there too .
12 Augustine added that the same story is seldom repeated in precisely the same words by a single person .
13 In the second example , the comma is used to signal that the same clause represents new information .
14 It is a reasonably well-known fact that the same computer program can be run on a number of machines , not only different tokens of machines but different types , where that extends to machines working with quite different physical processes .
15 The Chief Executive 's Management Group have agreed that the same approach should be adopted for the festive season 1991/92 .
16 Acting Detective Superintendent Mick Cox is leading the enquiry he 's been talking to Nigel Bell and telling him they 're convinced that the same girl has made all the phone calls .
17 Within Catholic thought these different positions of men and women tend to be thought ‘ natural ’ , and it is contended that the same gender arrangements are to be found in all known human societies .
18 It may be thought that the same verdict applies to the third principle as well .
19 If these approaches are common to courses of study which advanced degree students follow regardless of the content ( for some will be specializing , for instance , in the field of special educational needs , others in the arts and humanities , others in mathematics and science ) it is because it is regarded as essential that the same grasp of knowledge and the same development of intellectual-cum-practical skill should typify all holders of a second degree in the field of education .
20 Professor Burney is certain that the same dagger was used in another case recently . ’
21 Indeed , after the lord pope had heard sufficient arguments from both parties , he decreed with the authority of the apostolic see that the same archbishop should demolish the church at his own expense , revoking completely everything that had been done in this matter .
22 To start with , we shall assume that the same sample of subjects is observed at times T ; and T 2 .
23 The Philips Report ( HMSO 1954 ) forecast little change in the dependency ratio overall in the following twenty-five years ( 1954–79 ) , on the assumption that the same proportion of persons would continue to be employed in each age-group .
24 This means that the same video programme can be driven in different directions by different computer programs .
25 Attempts at humour aside , I now find myself penning a few words of concern for Salford 's Graduate Association now that the same question seems to be written large on the proverbial wall .
26 Note that there is not necessarily presupposition that activities should be funded in the order they appear in the list nor that the same ranking holds for every location .
27 This obviously is n't to say that the same response would not have been achieved with a centesimal potency , it merely demonstrates the applicability of LM 's in an acute and the simplicity of repetition .
28 Three so good you should find that three pieces just like that the same size as that would all just fit together to make a whole .
29 It was the fact that the same individual could experiment with such a wide range of themes , subjects and styles that kept the spirit of invention alive , and encouraged some startling developments in film narrative , none of which had anything to do with theatrical forms of presentation .
30 The subject continues to invest itself in cultural forms , identifying , for example , with sports , cinema , clothing , a political line , or certain relationships ; but such is the scale of modern society that the same individual may become absurdly overextended into essentially superficial relationships , none of which augments his or her being , and yet simultaneously , may have nothing at all in common with another overextended individual who has selected entirely different areas of the surrounding culture .
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