Example sentences of "that [modal v] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Art 85(1) of the EC Treaty prohibits all agreements between undertakings that may affect trade between member states and which have as their object , or effect , the prevention , restriction or distortion of competition within the Common Market .
2 For only on foot does one detect the subtle rise and fall of ground to which the earliest settlers were so sensitive , or alignments in the town scene that may throw light on some fundamental change of plan : or the names of streets and lanes that set the mind working at once .
3 Although EA may cause some delay to a development proposal , we believe it is far more important to ensure that such a development avoids generating environmental impacts that may cost time and money to overcome ( if indeed they can be overcome ) , than avoid the process because of its apparent inconvenience .
4 Acoustic microscopy offers the opportunity to study tissues that may reflect light in a similar way but which look quite different in sound waves .
5 Overall the average K/U and U/Pb ratios define a broad hyperbolic trend that may reflect mixing , but is more likely to indicate a process that fractionates both K and Pb relative to U ( Fig. 3b ) .
6 A high negative correlation between the prevalence of lactose intolerance and the incidence of Crohn 's disease among different populations in several countries led to the hypothesis that lactose malabsorption results in the formation of volatile fatty acids that may inhibit multiplication of potentially pathogenic intestinal orgamisms .
7 The answer may be to decrease capacity and cylinder number but wring more power from what 's left — a solution that may damage fuel consumption , durability and driveability .
8 She describes a teasing , textual–linguistic game where , for instance , a conventionally solemn and important event such as death becomes contextually banal : just one accident amongst a hundred possible accidents that may befall Man .
9 If there is anything you can tell us that may shed light on his death , speak now . ’
10 In order to emphasize the importance of this point , I devote the rest of the chapter to a discussion of the developmental rules that may influence mate choice in humans .
11 Research into the various literatures that define empowerment has also begun to identify ‘ control over destiny ’ as a broad-based variable that may enhance health .
12 to find about the local organisations that may offer help
13 The chapter considers the three types of past event that may trigger recognition — transactions , contracts for future performance and other events — and the circumstances in which each gives rise to sufficient evidence .
14 They are well placed to see the changes of behaviour that may indicate abuse , as well as to observe any physical evidence .
15 Also many other small things that may have life and thought — butterflies , snails in curled shell , spiders , maggots .
16 Observance of the custom is encouraged by social recognition and enforced not by law but buy social disapproval of its breach that may include exclusion , avoidance and other informal sanctions .
17 AMERICAN scientists have found an effect that may cast doubt on a whole body of research in the evolution of the Solar System , as well as making physicists look again at the subject of isotopes , forms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus .
18 The Guidance , para 3.44 suggests that this requirement may be met " by considering any change in circumstances , any new evidence that may have come to light and any other relevant matter that may cast doubt on the benefit of a new order " .
19 We have found , however , that when more samples were investigated with the same methods , the abnormal AChE is not only associated with AD but also related to other neurological diseases that may cause dementia , although these patients are currently non-demented ( Mini-Mental State examination ) :
20 Dr McKenzie fills out a prescription and explains that chlorambucil is a mild chemotherapy tablet that may cause nausea .
21 This does not mean that we shall shy away from tackling difficult subjects that may cause offence .
22 Cannon , 39 , had intended to play on for one more season , but he has a back injury that may require surgery .
23 The clinical importance of NSAID enteropathy lies in the associated complications of blood loss , protein loss , and occasional strictures that may require surgery .
24 The ‘ Rating Your Assertiveness Chart ’ , and the ‘ Everyday Situations that may require Assertiveness ’ lists provide a useful outline and examples of the different activities that make up assertive behaviour ( see Figures 6.3 and 6.4 ) .
25 Figure 6.3 Everyday situations that may require assertiveness
26 Just to clarify matters , I have been unemployed since late last year but have budgeted my small income to be able to meet this year 's Governors subscription at the current rates and hopefully any increase that may take effect
27 I commend his appreciation of the need for a social dimension in any reforms that may take place .
28 However , even though the unexpected is likely to happen , the APT maintains that it is possible for investors to estimate the sensitivity of assets to the likely variety of events that may take place .
29 Firstly , the analysis is entirely static , ignoring changes that may take place over time .
30 The historian Kirkpatrick was recalling an incident fourteen years earlier when he included the above in his 1751 treatise ‘ Reflections on the Causes that may retard Putrefaction of dead Bodies ’ .
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