Example sentences of "that [be] [v-ing] through " in BNC.

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1 And some of the things that are coming through there , are common sense , some of the things are a reaction which erm , is mis-informed .
2 Above-average yields can sometimes be spotted on the convertibles of companies that are going through a bad patch , and these more risky recovery situations appeal to speculators .
3 In order to guarantee the Council 's legal responsibilities ; to preserve the public 's access to information ; and to preserve the clear channels of communication and a smooth exchange of information without which it can not do its business , local authorities need to give very close attention to who is responsible for the electronic information bases of the departments that are going through the process of white-collar CCT .
4 The noise was a foul but apt accompaniment to the schooner 's fitful motion for , with her wheel lashed and her sails only half trimmed , Wavebreaker was bridling and jerking into the short hard seas that were driving through the North-East Providence Channel .
5 The turmoil that emerged both immediately before and after Mayer 's departure epitomized , perhaps more than in any other of the major Hollywood studios , the convulsions of change that were sweeping through the film capital , eventually spawning an underground of new , raw and raucous talent of which Nicholson was to be part .
6 representing that , but you know and I know that it did n't stay like that , I do n't know how long , but it did n't stay like it for very long because sin crept in , that circle was marred , it was twisted , that intermit original fellowship with God was broken , let me read you a verse there in Genesis chapter three and verse eight , it 's , it 's Adam and Eve it says they heard the sound of the lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord God among the trees of the garden , for the first time since Adam had first been created they hide from God , they hear him coming , it 's the time when God will come , and they hear him that were walking through the garden using picture language , and they go and hide , they 're ashamed to see him , they do n't want to look upon him , something has happened that perfect circle has been marred , what it was like yesterday , things are different now , there 's that unclean feeling , there 's that guilt complex , we 've done it wrong , we 've failed to keep what God 's said , we 've broken the rules and when you break the rules , it 's not just the rules that are broken is it , you know it and I know it , in relationships , it 's not just the rules that get broken , it 's the relationship is marred .
7 That association is particularly concerned about a measure that is proceeding through the other place and the question whether it will be dropped and be replaced by the provisions relating to canals in this legislation .
8 Before making such statements , the hon. Gentleman should take the time and trouble to read the Further and Higher Education Bill that is going through another place .
9 If ever a sentence summed up the gale of change that is blasting through Yorkshire cricket this season it is that one .
10 No , well you can nae include different conversations cos it 's only your voice that 's coming through , you know .
11 As she did so the sunlight that was splashing through the trees along the track , caught that part of her hair that was not covered and , ill as she obviously was , it shone like pale gold , as if it was a source not reflection , of light .
12 That night she dreamt that they were all , Larry and Philippa and John and Conrad and Demian and herself , dancing the hornpipe on the deck of a warship that was ploughing through a storm , but Demian 's leg was tragically maimed and would not keep in step and Conrad was shouting at him like a great actor-manager , and the tears were streaming down Demian 's face , or so she thought , until she realized that it was she who was crying , crying for the sick one , praying that her tears would heal his wound .
13 In some odd way he was not a stranger because his name was painfully familiar and she imagined she had been expecting this angry arrival since her accident — that must be the cause of this feeling that was swimming through her .
14 She bit her lip , trying to shut out the doubt that was creeping through her mind like a seeping disease .
15 She trembled with a vivid awareness that was tingling through her whole body , bringing warmth to her skin and champagne into her bloodstream .
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