Example sentences of "that [pron] have been " in BNC.

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1 I can say without embarrassment that I have been training for this for a long time , that I have learned to breathe the rarefied air , that I now know when to stand still and when to move forward , when to attack and when to retreat , when to leave a problem to resolve itself and when to go on working at it till the solution emerges .
2 The difference being that I have been fortunate to find a career that I love and , what is more , get paid reasonably for it .
3 I might mention that I have been using these movements since the commencement of my business in 1983 , with outstanding performance both as to accuracy and reliability .
4 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
5 Two hours later I am mentioning to Tony that I have been to Tromsø airport more times than I have to Gatwick .
6 I try to ride last so I can stop now and then to be alone , to look back and be glad that I have been able to come this way , but Tony has the feeling too and has bagged the back spot for the morning run .
7 If you take into account the fact that I have been up till after midnight every night since Monday , that I have a cold , and that that morning I had been talking on a sore throat from 9.30 to 1 o'clock , perhaps you will understand . ’
8 There ought to be a space or an empty page or maybe even a change of typography to show that I have been for the past three and a half hours out in the streets or sitting full of thought on that gilded and trembling bridge over these lazy waters .
9 I agree that I have been reinforced ( although I 'm not sure that I learnt how to make coffee by operant conditioning — I suspect I copied someone , or was told how to do it — but that is a separate issue ) .
10 But at least Holroyd leaves me in no doubt that I have been reading about a great phenomenon .
11 ‘ I had the option of pulling him out because I was concerned about the ground , but the run has shown that I have been far too soft on him .
12 ‘ I seldom come out of my pulpit ’ , said Baxter , ‘ but my conscience smiteth me that I have been no more serious and fervent …
13 ‘ It is obvious that I have been exploited for propaganda purposes in a film in which I should never have allowed myself to appear , ’ he bitterly commented afterwards .
14 Dear love , I get plenty of time to think about us these days , and I 'm more than ever grateful that I have been given such a wonderful person as you to be my wife .
15 I am afraid that I have been indiscreet . ’
16 And let me say now that I have been impressed by certain of the arguments I have heard here .
17 So good was his work , so fulfilling of my ambitions , that I have been well content to let my narrative in this book play second fiddle to his excellent photographs .
18 I have lost so many big barbel on the Hampshire Avon , Dorset Stour , and the Severn through this that I have been ready to dispense altogether with swimfeeder fishing for big barbel .
19 If , when hearing that I have been stilled at last they stand at
20 Now that I have been honest with you . ’
21 I deeply resent Michael Rowan-Robinson 's insinuation that I have been ‘ disreputable ’ in my use of a review article by Bernard Carr and Martin Rees in writing my book The Accidental Universe ( Review , 20 January , p 186 ) .
22 Tam Dalyell is wrong to say that I have been predicting a total European ban on lead in petrol as from June this year ( Forum .
23 My last migraine of any consequence was over four months ago , but I would not be so brash as to say that I have been cured .
24 Regular readers will know that I have been a fan of Stephen Coonts since I reviewed his first novel Flight of the Intruder ( now a major ( ? ) film , as they say , though I 'd make do with the book if I were you ) .
25 Darwinism destroys the presumption that a separate organism functions primarily to preserve itself ( as do simpler homeostatic systems which do not reproduce ) ; it shows me that even at the biological level my spontaneity only secondarily and partially serves myself , and invites the reflection that behaving consistently to my own advantage became conceivable only with the clarification of my viewpoint in contrast with others , which in turn implies that I have been assuming other viewpoints from the beginning of self-consciousness .
26 ‘ This is the reason they were first given and I would like to think that I have been given this award because of that .
27 After the hearing the woman said : ‘ It 's ridiculous that I have been brought to court .
28 The mediation between theory and practice that I have been discussing here defines the domain of applied linguistics as this relates to language teaching .
29 The research-oriented approach to teaching that I have been proposing here obviously sets a high premium on teacher preparation , and that in turn raises the issues of the education and training of teachers .
30 How can teachers be prepared to undertake the process of pragmatic mediation that I have been proposing in these chapters ?
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