Example sentences of "that [pron] be the " in BNC.

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1 It made no sense — none — yet here in black and white was proof that nothing was the way it had seemed .
2 Timothy waved at her , endeavouring to indicate that nothing was the matter .
3 Let me remind the cynics opposite that yours is the only Group on this Council which has voted against our proposals on disability .
4 ‘ You forget that I am the receiver of confessions . ’
5 The US Department of Energy will be shocked to learn from this article that I am Britain 's man on the loss of fluid test ( LOFT ) project , because that agency is currently providing me with a handsome salary on the understanding that I am the US Department of Energy 's man on the selfsame project .
6 ‘ Bowe has always said that I am the man he wants more than anybody and now that I am giving him the perfect opportunity , he is shying away from it .
7 ‘ I do n't like the fact that I am the butt of so many things — a lot of which I think is unfair — but I 'm not inhibited by it .
8 I would remind you that I am the captain of this ship and that at sea not even an admiral can take over from me or give orders which I consider to be to the detriment of this vessel . ’
9 ‘ Think rather that I am the lady of death and that you are the master of death !
10 As the house committee was unwilling to dismiss the porter , the master asked the Board of Guardians to fine him , to deliver a severe reprimand to the nurse for her conduct , and ‘ give her plainly to understand that I am the Master of this house , and all lawful orders are to be obeyed ’ .
11 For I am not ashamed to admit that I am The Burpman .
12 Can I just say , first of all , that I am the odd-speaker out in this gathering because virtually everyone else who has addressed you has done so from the point of view of their own particular expertise and occupation and those of you who know health councils will appreciate that they tend to take a pretty robust view of private care as it impinges on anything to do with health .
13 They 'll always be in the record books that I am the only man at any weight who 's ever won three Lonsdale belts outright .
14 ‘ Brother Athelstan , ’ he said testily , ‘ I would remind you that I am the king 's coroner and those two , ’ he gestured in the direction of the Springall house , ‘ Sir Richard and that expensive paramour of his , are guilty of murder ! ’
15 His letter was hearty , breezy , man-to-man : let it never be thought , it seemed to say , that I am the man who can put your academic career on the chopping block by a couple of words in the right places .
16 Darling darling , I feel that I am the luckiest man on earth and I want you to know that I know I am .
17 I also need a formal letter in original from as owner of the vehicle that I am the permitted registered keeper and user — in the same way as I had to have such a letter from .
18 I am not sure , but I believe that I am the unpaid , unofficial ’ parliamentary friend ’ of the Association of Independent Railways Ltd .
19 I think that I am the only hon. Member to have served on two Select Committees on the channel tunnel .
20 Is it normal that I am the only Belgian citizen who must act against his conscience in such important matters ?
21 ‘ I 'm Ron Barton and I 'll have you know that I am the Roving Correspondent of the True Brit , the newspaper with an even bigger circulation than the Sun , and I never laid a finger on , or up , the lady .
22 You will find that I am the one person you can always trust .
23 I say that I am the one who brought it .
24 He thinks that I am the man who killed the others on the wasteland , yet he keeps coming .
25 In addition to what Nicholas er recounted about my brother , I believe that I am the only minister in the government , possibly the only member of parliament who has ever worked for the Save The Children Fund .
26 ‘ It 's impossible for there to be a lower point , simply because of this result and the fact that I am the manager in charge of a team representing the country . ’
27 You see , I 've had a few quite long relationships before but , although I think the world of this young lady and love her deeply , I do n't feel that I am the marrying kind .
28 Perhaps the reason that I am the invisible man ( in Gadfly terms ) is because I do n't frequent the same watering holes as your journalists .
29 is twofold really , one for me to introduce myself to you and let you know that I am the representative that 's with Friends Provident that will
30 ‘ True , things have gone missing , but that does not mean that I am the thief .
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