Example sentences of "that [adj] [n mass] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The best known work has been done by Kantor , who estimates that in large academic lending libraries the probability that specific works will be found when needed is 0.57 ( 0.66 in a reference library ) .
2 Enterprises began to close for lack of fuel or materials , and officials warned that 35,000 people could be laid off work by the end of the month .
3 Such major physical impacts are fairly easy to assess , but not enough work has yet been done to assess the effect of visitors on wildlife itself , though it is known that shy species will decline , while common species will often increase , and that fauna both on land and in water will decline faster than flora ( Liddle and Scorgie , 1980 ) .
4 This is what we must be prepared to do if we are to achieve the vision of educational integration that reflects the kinds of values that deaf people would wish to see perpetuated .
5 This Congress demands that deaf people should have access to all official information to the same extent as hearing people .
6 Auditory deprivation studies suggest that deaf people will have problems in speech and auditory processing even though auditory experience is reinstated by the use of hearing aids .
7 We referred in Chapter 1 , also , to the possibility that professional people may develop attitudes which place the interests of the profession before those of the public they are intended to serve .
8 The World Jewish Congress estimated that 50,000 people might benefit from the US$630,000,000 allocated by the German government for payments between 1992 and the end of the century .
9 It seems unlikely that adequate data will be available in the near future .
10 The words of the right hon. Member for Chesterfield ( Mr. Benn ) , ’ If we change to win , we could change when we have won ’ , show that British people will not trust the Opposition with defence policy .
11 Union official , Peter Keeping , says it 's unfair that British staff should get paid less than their foreign colleagues .
12 The establishment of reserves to protect wildlife was accepted by hunters when it became clear that some species would soon be wiped out altogether .
13 Newts and other rare reptiles are being stolen from ponds , and conservationists are worried that some species could die out altogether .
14 Darwinism implies that some species must triumph over others not because they are fitter in some genetic or athletic sense , but because they are better able to survive in a competitive ambiance .
15 At no point is the possibility entertained that some works might be flawed , that some criticism might be valid .
16 Allowance must be made for the fact that the raw data will not always have been sampled randomly , and that some data will be missing and that the indicators will often be different kinds of variable .
17 It has n't occurred to them that some people might actually have to survive on any money they 're given . ’
18 One possible drawback could be that some people might decide to take an overdose as a result of learning about it through the media or public discussion , even if the behaviour had been presented as an inappropriate way of coping .
19 He is incredulous when she says that some people might think better of Jason for confessing his fear .
20 It was thought that some people might have changed their views .
21 Charan Athwal , head of the Greenwich Indian Workers Association , felt that some people might think peaceful protests would not solve the problem .
22 They say patients will be faced with higher bills , and that some people might find it impossible to register with a local dentist .
23 Organisers said the display was amusing but warned that some people might consider it unsuitable for young children .
24 Choppy Spencer is are you prepared to accept the conclusion that some people might be suggesting right now that this whole stunt of opting out is a political fumble ?
25 They can declare that a certain day shall be a national holiday , that a certain organization shall have legal personality , that a person shall be granted citizenship or shall be divorced or excommunicated , that certain land shall be dedicated to the public , or that some people shall have certain rights , and much else .
26 It does seem that some people would consider themselves natural and enthusiastic readers , while others need persuasion and encouragement to do anything other than ‘ dip ’ into a book .
27 In all the confusion , it was quite possible that some people would be flying on Virgin Atlantic for nothing .
28 What about if I suggested to you that some people would think that being anti-vivisection was in bad taste , how would you answer the point ?
29 But Gwynedd 's chief executive , Huw Thomas , said it was already clear that some people would be unable to return home for several months .
30 It is important to note that any of these items can occur with anybody , en when there is no addictive disease , and that some people may even eve experienced several of them over the years .
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