Example sentences of "that [verb] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He himself had often waited like that , hidden beside a path , ready to strike with a stick or a stone any prey that chanced to come along it .
2 But if to an alehouse they customers be , Then presently with the ale wife we agree ; When we come to a reckoning , then we do crave Twopence on a shilling , and that we will have , By such cunning ways we our treasure do get , For it is all fish that doth come to our net .
3 Some have right-wing parties like Germany 's Republicans that stir racial hatred and exploit the tensions that tend to come with large-scale immigration .
4 The ant repays the tree by sweeping it leaves free of fungi , by assaulting any leaf-eating animals that it encounters and by attacking any competing plant that dares come within chewing distance .
5 See the photo where his knees are angled away from hers , while her knees eloquently express her sadness at the distance that has come between them . ’
6 ‘ Mental handicap ’ is the term that has come into general usage to describe a condition of arrested or incomplete development of mind .
7 I have read carefully the reasons given for the record levels of inward investment that has come into the United Kingdom , including Wales .
8 Fresh food is the most extreme example of the change that has come over the shops .
9 I cast in and try to shrug off the disappointed , deflated feeling that has come over me since the anticlimax of the eel .
10 The third is a less tangible but no less striking phenomenon , the general feeling for freedom that has come over us all , an understanding heightened by the recent escape of millions of people by 1990 from the miseries of authoritarian rule and command economies .
11 It indicates the change that has come over the world .
12 Nurse Catherine Cockborn said : ‘ The change that has come over the pair of them is absolutely amazing .
13 Furthermore , there has been a vast increase in the range of behaviour that has come under the control of the law .
14 There 's one section of the student body that has come under the limelight in the last year or two and that 's the overseas student body .
15 I do n't know what to say , and , in a recently introduced policy initiative that has come with my advancing years , I do n't say anything .
16 I , I 'm a general practitioner and I would like to back up initially what the convenor has said about the study pack that has come on child abuse but I have a question .
17 But I repeated them in Ezra Pound. : Poet as Sculptor , and nothing that has come to my notice since , including an erudite and adulatory article on these cantos by David Gordon in Paideuma 4 ( 1975 ) , has made me want to retract my words or change my mind .
18 The case of the ‘ pinocheques ’ is not the only case of apparent corruption that has come to light since the general left power , though it is the one that may touch him directly .
19 Indeed , all in all , I can not see why the option of her returning to Darlington Hall and seeing out her working years there should not offer a very genuine consolation to a life that has come to be so dominated by a sense of waste .
20 The Primate of the Episcopal Church in the USA thanks God for ‘ the gifts ordained women have brought to our church and the wholeness that has come to its life ’ .
21 In the British context of the 1980s the political project that has come to be identified as ‘ Thatcherism ’ has commonly been seen as an attempt to legitimate both the reintegration of a restructured British economy into the global economy and the revision of the relationship between the state and civil society that the preferred version of restructuring required .
22 I am a recent subscriber , having recently renewed my subscription for a second year and I have enjoyed every issue that has come to me in the post .
23 This is an area that has come to prominence in recent years as new kinds of instruments such as auction market preferred shares ( AMPS ) , convertible debt with premium put options and convertible capital bonds have appeared .
24 ‘ I ca n't help wondering ’ , she said , ‘ whether this sudden ability that has come to you , of being able to move an object without touching it , whether it might not have something to do with your brainpower . ’
25 Since that can not be effectively done under the law as it stands , there must be created a new body of law of the sort that has come to be called administrative law .
26 From the material that has come to light during our own century , it is clear that the Essenes were looser and more diffuse in their organisation , less centralised and less uniform than the Sadducees and the Pharisees .
27 The method used by Hunter , often referred to as the reputational method , is also one that has come to be associated typically with elitist studies .
28 ‘ We need a company that has come to the end of its natural life .
29 This is a most useful provision that has come to the assistance of many tenants over the years .
30 The answer to all of this is surely that it is not the legal qualities of limited liability or separate personality in themselves that justify intervention , but the concentration of power in private hands that has come about partly as a result of their existence .
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