Example sentences of "that [noun] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Northern Echo was told that solicitors acting for the Grangetown families were now considering an injunction to put before a judge obliging British Steel and ICI to hand over precise information on the contents of their chimney emissions .
2 Mr Bell said that contract printing in the UK had been ‘ an absolute disaster ’ .
3 The general consensous is that Kelly playing in the right back birth , instead of his normal striker role , had a brilliant game outshining everyone .
4 Stone-age man would have noticed that birds navigating by means of the magnetic properties of the ley lines together with the visual cues thereon , became disorientated at certain points ( multiple ley-line intersections ) .
5 The Conservatives returned to their panacea of imperial protectionism and even the Liberals , the historic party of free trade , began to question the dogma , influenced by Lloyd George 's experience in running the war economy and Keynes 's argument that deficit budgeting behind temporary import restrictions was the key to triggering a domestic economic revival .
6 I am aware — and so are local social workers — of at least one large housing estate in a provincial town where incest is thought to be the norm rather than the exception even today ; and such is the difficulty of its location and proof that cases coming to light are probably only the tip of an iceberg .
7 Foreign Minister Enrique Silva Cimma stated , however , that proposals calling for a sea outlet for Bolivia , which became land-locked following defeat by Chile in the War of the Pacific ( 1879-83 ) , were not supported by the Chilean government or by most of the population .
8 It is in this context that proposals emerging from the Critical Legal Studies movement in the USA are of considerable interest , and in particular Roberto Unger 's conception of a self-revising institutional structure ‘ that would provide constant occasions to disrupt any fixed structure of power and co-ordination in social life ’ ( Unger , 1983 ) .
9 Savage , Evans and Savage ( 1981 ) show that adding fingerspelling to lip-spoken messages increases comprehension significantly ; unfortunately , this increase results in only 50 per cent understood at 14 years of age .
10 There is the additional problem that conflicting claims to tangible movables raise issues going well beyond sales law and that conflicts arising from sales transactions can not sensibly be dealt with in isolation .
11 Chairman Howard Wilkinson said : ‘ There is a strong feeling among managers and players that rules applying to them are not being applied to other people , namely supporters around the dug-outs .
12 Lastly , make sure that flexes leading to trees or other sites remote from the house are kept well out of harm 's way .
13 A representative of the Corporation was present on this occasion and objected strongly , saying that cars waiting in this narrow street would cause obstruction .
14 On September 21 , 1945 , he wrote to the defendants saying that rent must be paid at the full rate and claiming that arrears amounting to £7,916 were due .
15 It would follow that journalists writing for American publications have considerably more latitude in criticising public figures so long as their articles are not reprinted in Britain .
16 However , although phase space volume on average contracts in a dissipative system , so that trajectories passing through a large volume of phase space end up passing through a smaller volume , this does not mean that distance ( or separation ) is also contracting .
17 So long as it maintains the idea that believers talking to unbelievers are like people explaining to the blind what it is like to see , reason may be tolerated .
18 Police and motoring organisations warned that drivers heading for the capital are certain to face lengthy delays as thousands of extra people take to the roads .
19 Not content with protest in the homelands , the spirit spreads and joins similar movements worldwide , so that dissidents protesting against tyranny become our modern heroes and heroines .
20 They quickly discovered that daylight bombing without fighter escorts was not on , and were also surprised to find that the RAF Lancaster was at least as formidable a fighting weapon as any of their own aircraft .
21 The principle difference was that characteristics relating to academic background particularly A-level results were not important predictors of non-completion among females at all , but were extremely important predictors of non-completion among males .
22 It appears that styles obtaining in the south could have affected both of these mosaics , not only as subsequent amendments but as original contributions .
23 Both agree that recordings consisting of several perfect movements , patched together at the editing stage , lack the atmosphere and consistency of the single-take performance — even at the expense of the odd mistake .
24 It might therefore be expected that sequences corresponding to ZNF11 would also be duplicated in the apes , but not necessarily in species more distantly related to man .
25 Thus , they contend that losses resulting from the automatic prohibition of mergers above a certain size are unlikely to be substantial , and are more than likely to be offset by the benefits arising from the creation of a climate of greater certainty and competition .
26 Whitby and Willis further suggest that the demand for private transport will continue to grow in spite of oil price increases , and that losses arising from over-pricing of oil are disproportionately borne by rural residents .
27 The accounting policy note on associated undertakings goes on to state that the directors believe that equity accounting for associated undertakings would not give a true and fair view of the group 's income .
28 The government admitted that companies bidding for franchises after the privatisation of British Rail might be allowed to concrete over the tracks and run buses instead .
29 Thus her conclusion that ‘ Once the discretion arises it is for the court to conduct the necessary balancing exercise between what would otherwise be required by the Convention and the interests of the children ’ is wrong in law and fatal to a proper exercise of a discretion under the Convention because it predicates that matters relating to the welfare of children falling outside the ambit of the criteria laid down by the Convention itself are relevant to the exercise of the discretion .
30 The resulting redrawing of constituency boundaries meant that French-speakers living in the suburbs of Brussels would become part of the Flemish province of Brabant surrounding Brussels and would thus lose the right to vote French speakers into the regional parliaments .
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