Example sentences of "not made [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am , I think , not made for love .
2 We are not made for life or anything like that but there is a fair bit coming in .
3 I threw down my fibreglass extensions and made as polished an exit as possible , given that my huge orange plastic boots were not made for walking .
4 The finest bronze castings of Shang China and arguably of all time were not made for implements or even weapons , but for the ritual vessels centred on the cult of ancestors .
5 It was said that these were not made for Blackpool , but for another buyer .
6 Also with video we are quite likely to be using material which was not made for language teaching anyway and which will be full of visual elements we could exploit .
7 It is for the court to decide the weight which should be given to statements which are not made on oath and can not be tested by cross-examination .
8 In the event two of the five timed deliveries were not made on time and the sailings were lost .
9 Inter-State complaints are not made on behalf of an identified victim and , indeed , there may not even be such a defined person .
10 Yeah well they 're not made to work are they
11 ‘ Reference was not made to Viscount Dilhorne 's ruling that appropriation may occur even though the owner has permitted or consented to the property being taken .
12 You are not made of ice .
13 In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews , that great chapter which deals with ‘ the nature and fruits of faith ’ as it is headed in the ‘ Thompson Chain Reference ’ bible , the third verse reads as follows - ‘ Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God , so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear . ’
14 ‘ Definitely a few , but it 's not made of feathers , that , sir , I can tell you . ’
15 ‘ I 'm not made of money , Mrs Parvis .
16 We 're not made of money . ’
17 In Yorkshire the houses of the period tend to be of stone rubble while in the former Wiltshire downlands they are more often than not made of cob , a mixture of chalk , straw and manure , or of flint rubble .
18 Or if a jeweller said , you know , the rings in my window are made of gold when really they were not made of gold at all , then that would be a false trade description .
19 ‘ Although it is not made of gold , it is true that gold is a very common metal there .
20 They too look good on the shelves , though are not made of wood .
21 I 'm not made of wood , and neither are you .
22 James said with sick irritation : ‘ Leave the man alone , Randall , he 's not made of eggshell . ’
23 We suspected they were not made of sheepskin at all er and we took some of them away and analyzed them to find out what exactly are they made of .
24 At Firbank , where the chapel proved too small , he went out on to the fell to preach to the people , saying that God 's church was not made of stone but of the air and the countryside around .
25 It 's not made of plastic .
26 These figures of speech — hyperbole , metaphor , irony , sarcasm — work only if the sender has enough knowledge to know that average house cellars will not hold millions of bottles , women are not made of iron , and so on .
27 ‘ It 's not made of matter — like the surface the beetles were on — but that 's not to say it 's nothing . ’
28 Not made of glass you know .
29 I am not made of fan material , and find it hard to understand .
30 ‘ I 'm not made of paper , Luke . ’
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