Example sentences of "not always [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Soviet interest in foreign technology therefore has not been a response to detente , but to perceptions of internal need , and increases in trade flows have not always coincided with greater political relaxation .
2 The latter notion is further supported by the tumour yields in the different groups , which did not always correlate with the mucosal proliferation rates ( compare Fig 2 and Table V ) .
3 At intervals in the Costing Accounts is the above category which relates to outgoing expenses and not always connected with the running of the mine .
4 For many years we had been permitted to lay out and examine wreckage in a couple of hangars at RAE Farnborough ; but we were strictly visitors , not always welcome with our requirements for hangar space , and of course our needs were always secondary to those of our host RAE .
5 At the same time , both the White House and the State Department recognise that Soviet foreign policy will be driven by Soviet national interests , and that these will not always coincide with America 's .
6 Holidays did not always coincide with hay weather !
7 Our main argument in this paper is that linguists have not often recognised the need for this sort of justification ; that their views about what is educationally relevant in the field of language study does not always coincide with the concerns expressed by educationalists ; and that linguists and educationalists need to begin a common search for relevance in which the linguists ' knowledge is related to a frame of reference based on the needs of learners and teachers .
8 Marslen-Wilson , Tyler and Seidenberg ( 1978 ) take the view that this online view of language processing is not necessarily inconsistent with a weak form of the clausal hypothesis , in that once a complete information unit ( which may not always coincide with clause boundaries ) has been interpreted , other processing which results in the freeing of working memory then takes place .
9 A husband who tells his wife about his redundancy does not always meet with the right kind of sympathy or support .
10 They did not always meet with success , however ; Parker 's clergy , for example , refused to sign the address .
11 Every quarterly club meeting turns into a very pleasant ‘ social event ’ with wine and nibbles and subsidised trips are organised at frequent intervals ( but not always to do with knitting ) for added interest .
12 Accompanied by an excellent dry Franconian wine , it was a delight to eat and very clever in its balance of colour , flavour and texture , something I do not always associate with German cuisine .
13 NME , for instance , has always included substantial coverage of black popular forms — soul , reggae , hip-hop — although this has not always met with their readers ' approval .
14 The act of dispensing with them has not always met with common assent nor has it always been smooth — the English historical landscape is scattered with periods of violence and upheaval — but once the dispensing process is achieved , it has largely been accepted .
15 Robertson Nicoll 's daughters married army officers while his son became a physician ; J. H. Paton 's son became High Master of Manchester Grammar School ; Silvester Horne 's eldest daughter went up to Oxford while one son became a barrister and the other , Kenneth , the star of BBC Radio 's ‘ Round the Horne ’ series , programmes which did not always accord with the Nonconformist Conscience .
16 But there are other contributory factors , for example , the close identity between each medical school and ‘ its ’ hospital which leads to having specialties in every hospital and the well-intentioned efforts of trustees of ‘ teaching hospitals and special health authorities who marshal sometimes huge wealth in support of priorities which may not always accord with the health needs of the population . ’
17 The final quieter , prayerful stanza contrasts with the single line declamations of the previous verses and witnesses to the recognition that this game is not always played with ease , that the very measure of the exultation felt arises from realisation of the ultimate issues at stake .
18 Although this centre presented a coherent picture in which the city was divided into discrete neighbourhoods , residents would not always identify with these boundaries .
19 They will not be led by preachers at their church to face up to the fact that there are four Gospels , that John is significantly different from the Synoptics , that the New Testament writers do not always speak with the same voice even on essential matters of faith .
20 In the mundane we have to live by the laws of the mundane and these do not always concur with the laws of the transcendent .
21 The frequent remark that ‘ it was all so much simpler under communism ’ is not always said with total irony .
22 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
23 One does not always agree with her .
24 Chairmen did not always agree with this interpretation , though they were aware that the Central Authority could in the last resort compel compliance by issuing a directive .
25 Relatives , of course , do not always agree with the individual about what is best for him or her and they may not agree with professionals trying to help the person either .
26 But if you can raise that profile which I talk about , the of the ethics of of your trade , your profession and become , in effect , a pressure group , a pressure group for the public good , while we may not always agree with you , and indeed we 're going to say that we do n't agree with you and you must n't be afraid of that but we would rather hear from you , you 're the men and women at the sharp end , I hesitate to say ‘ experts ’ because ‘ expert ’ is a , a rather over-used word but we 'd much rather hear from you , at the sharp end , than the part-time politicians who , by the very nature of , of their role , and however well-meaning they may be , they have other priorities .
27 The two boxes can be placed on top of each other ( not always recommended with this class of equipment ) or side by side , and , due to their compact size , this should not be too space consuming .
28 His views must be paramount , if not always agreed with .
29 While Collier and Rosaldo have relatively successfully characterized one type of ‘ brideservice economy ’ , they are too sweeping in their wider generalization ; for brideservice economies are not always associated with the cultural values these authors stipulate .
30 Delay times were rearranged for the consonant groups in the list for each trial so that particular consonant groups were not always associated with the same delay time .
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