Example sentences of "not only [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As noted earlier , these theories have not only been applied to people but also to people 's creations , such as works of art and writings .
2 Unless it is assumed that the original stream had a meander belt of varying width , we must conclude that the meanders have not only been incised but also more fully developed in the more resistant rock .
3 The Kitemark on a product will indicate that it has not only been made to a published specification , but that it has been independently tested by BSI as well .
4 In education , the liberal optimism of the 1985 Swann Report has not only been punctured by the policies of Conservative governments and by the ideological counter-offensive of the New Right .
5 Our interpretation is that gas-phase HNO 3 has by that time been sequestered in the condensed phase by heterogeneous reactions on polar stratospheric cloud surfaces , forming nitric acid trihydrate as temperatures fell below 196K in winter It is probable that a substantial fraction of nitric acid has not only been lost from the gas phase , but also removed from the stratosphere by the growth and subsequent sedimentation of aerosol particles .
6 It is therefore hardly surprising that Persian compositions have not only been reproduced in countless machine-made carpets in the West , but also emulated by most other rug-producing countries in the East .
7 By the time we have finished his chapter called ‘ The Heavens ’ , we have not only been informed about what the shape of the Ptolemaic universe was like , and how the belief in astrology worked , and how much knowledge was in our sense ‘ scientific ’ and how much ‘ poetic ’ or ‘ mythological ’ .
8 At Chalton in Hampshire and Cowdery 's Down near Basingstoke , the buildings were more regularly laid out but not extensive enough to be called villages , while at Catholme in Staffordshire and Thirlings in Northumberland , the earlier settlements had not only been abandoned , but probably forgotten when areas of ridge and furrow were laid out over the top .
9 If the story of Edmund 's connection with Swegen 's death does date from Cnut 's time , it is interesting , and seems to hint at one of the most resented aspects of Danish rule , that Edmund , like Ælfheah , had not only been martyred by the Danes , he had also refused to give them money .
10 From the onset of the first Five-Year Plan , if not before , social equality has not only been sidetracked , but forsworn as the object of policy .
11 Olaf 's major followers had seemingly not only been seduced by Cnut 's cash , but also angered , according to Adam of Bremen , by the king 's tendency to apprehend their wives for sorcery .
12 Three hundred and twenty-five works of art reported missing from Paris 's Musée Jacquemart-André in an inventory published in April 1991 by the Cour des Comptes the lofty body responsible for controlling public finance have not only been found , but never left the museum according to a second survey carried out by order of a Paris court .
13 That decline has not only been arrested but has been substantially reversed .
14 He has not only been nominated , he was won five Oscars .
15 Landlords not only were assessed on their directly occupied land but were constantly calling for relief for tenants , for whom increasing poor rates were setting a ceiling for rents .
16 The claim of a holy Gad that those who have fellowship with him should not only be acquitted and accounted righteous , but actually and progressively be made righteous in an ethical sense is strongly brought out in the Pauline letters .
17 Words can not only be recognised without attending to them , but they can also , with practice , be read aloud and whole sentences , and even passages , can be read with intonation .
18 SVQs will therefore not only be recognised within that industry but will also be regarded as a counterpart of the NVQs accredited by NCVQ in England , Wales and Northern Ireland .
19 The law can not only be condemned for being ‘ unnecessary ’ but also because those who formulate and publicly defend it are ‘ hypocrites ’ .
20 Apparent oppositions , they felt , should not only be tolerated but gloried in : ultimately they would prove to be resolvable in a wider harmony .
21 As in the case of parent-child relationships we find here that one-way flows of support can not only be tolerated , but also in a sense are expected , provided the direction of the support is from grandparent to grandchild .
22 The principal problem in reconstructing clothing from this evidence is that the range of dress-fastenings need not only be dictated by dress ; social identity and/or display may enter here .
23 Clearly , if the court orders the conveyance , or if the conveyance is by agreement to satisfy the claim of the wife , it will be inappropriate for the husband to convey " as settlor " since the conveyance is not a voluntary disposition or settlement ; for this to be an effective covenant the conveying party must not only be expressed to convey as " settlor " , he must actually be a settlor ( see Fay v Miller Wilkins & Co [ 1941 ] Ch 360 , although Emmet on Title ( 19th edn , Longman , para 14.003 ) expresses doubts concerning this decision ) .
24 If he wanted to refer a patient to a nursing home and the social work team recommended district nursing in the patient 's own home , he would not only be overruled but also have to foot the bill for the nurse .
25 When two or more persons took as tenants in common , the share of each was treated as a separate item of property which could not only be transferred by him in his lifetime , but which would pass on his death to his representatives .
26 Since the condition often occurs in the secondary-school years , the young person may not only be faced with the trauma of the diagnosis and the confusion of being still able to see clearly in some situations and not at all in others , but there may also have to be a decision to transfer the medium of communication from print to braille , all this taking place in the years leading up to important examinations .
27 will not only be missed by his friends and colleagues in the Ipswich office but by all the mills where his work has been much appreciated .
28 The trouble is that the Scottish Education Department disagrees with both of us and insists that religious observance must not only be reinstated but also reinforced .
29 Such previously unimaginable impertinences must not only be done by the book : they must be seen to be too .
30 In Sussex Justices the court said that " it is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done . "
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