Example sentences of "not the good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , cases can arise where this is not the best approach .
2 And tha that is one thing I 'm , I mean I 'm not I 'm not the best driver in the world , but that is one thing I do try not to do cos as you say no matter what the circumstances are , if I go up the back of somebody it is my fault .
3 Perhaps not the best saint the church should have chosen for such a profession .
4 At that time Baker had announced that " there was a recognition that perhaps neutrality is not the best route " , although " they [ the Soviets ] were quite clear … that a unified Germany as part of NATO presented a problem to them " .
5 Rushing around at the last minute trying to obtain foreign currency and travellers cheques is not the best preparation for a business trip abroad .
6 Articles in industry are not the best preparation for private practice , and unless you have a fairly fixed intention to make your career in industry or commerce you may find it difficult to settle down even for only two or three years in the atmosphere of a company 's legal department .
7 ‘ We looked at the tournaments in the context of the whole winter and decided they were not the best preparation for a challenging series against the West Indies . ’
8 The teacher who knows all the answers and expects pupils to produce a fixed sequence of arguments leading to some final conclusion is not the best person to draw creative thought from a class .
9 I strenuously reject the suggestion of the hon. Member for Gateshead , East ( Ms. Quin ) that my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister is not the best person to negotiate on behalf of Britain at the forthcoming summit .
10 A sample : We 're coming in to land at Speke My legs are feeling very weak We 've just returned from Barcelona And now I 'm going for a sauna Toshack is of Scottish descent , and there is certainly a bit of McGonagall in there , though not the best bit .
11 ‘ There 's a Takamine acoustic , which is not the best acoustic I 've ever heard in the studio , but okay , and a Fender Jaguar and a Precision bass .
12 ARM British and French congratulations to Mr Helmut Kohl for his allies ' victory in the East German election are not the best gauge of how the West German chancellor is viewed in London and Paris .
13 ‘ That terrain was tax , and I believe it was not the best territory for us to choose . ’
14 ‘ That terrain was tax and I believe it was not the best territory for us to choose . ’
15 Is that not the best discouragement to crime and an encouragement to those elderly people who fear being attacked on the streets ?
16 Is that not the best case ever for a clear promotions policy ?
17 Would not the best course of action be for employers to dismiss anyone who has addictive disease ?
18 Piecemeal reform makes the tax system more complicated , and is not the best way to promote saving .
19 By 1962 — the critical year of decision — it had become bound up with high politics ( rupturing a prestige Anglo-French collaborative project was not the best way of smoothing Britain 's path to EEC membership ) and the phenomenon of imperial surrogate whereby hi-tech enterprises became a substitute and a consolation for loss of empire .
20 This state is achieved with persistence and discipline , for example , to flop into bed in a state of mental anxiety , then just crashing into sleep , is not the best way to recharge .
21 Like Mr Micawber , he is hoping that ‘ something will turn up ’ , and this is not the best way to run social surveys .
22 Pesticides alone are not the best way to achieve long term control of agricultural pests .
23 Ottaviani continued to believe that ‘ error has no rights ’ and argued for repression ; Cardinal Augustin Bea , President of the newly created Secretariat for Christian Unity , shared Pope John 's judgement that ‘ condemning errors ’ was not the best way to open up a conversation ( or dialogue ) with other Christians or the modern world .
24 It might seem that employing a fairly mechanical and impersonal survey approach , as described in this and the previous chapter , is not the best way of creating an interactionist perspective .
25 You might agree that it 's wasteful that it 's not the best way of channelling the resources but the fact is that the global amount available because of it is much greater than it was and that will be our baseline to start from if they decide to reorganise the money in a different way .
26 This option will be tackled in the transfer document to policyholders , but according to , Scottish equitable marketing director , closing the fund is not the best way forward .
27 Would not the best way to advance transparency in world arms sales and achieve a United Nations register be for Britain now to declare that we shall have transparency and a register of Britain 's arms sales ?
28 Would not the best way to ensure that such a treaty would be accepted worldwide be for us to allow international inspection and verification of the numbers of our warheads ?
29 The strike had the support of the United Left ( IU ) and other smaller parties , while the PSOE , the PP and the Asturian regional government opposed it as being " not the best way to secure investment in Asturias " , according to a PSOE offical Txiki Benegas , speaking on Oct. 23 .
30 As it transpired this was not the best way to support the staff with their problems of low morale .
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