Example sentences of "not the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The privatisation programme has been an enormous success in recent years and not the least part of that success has been the extent to which it has widened and deepened share ownership around the country .
2 But I 'm not the least bit maternal .
3 The had not the least idea that their love was a crime in people 's eyes .
4 I must confess that I have not the least idea what this phrase could mean in an orthodox Christian context .
5 She had not the least idea of what she should do next , other than perhaps to fasten the strange garment about her waist .
6 She had not the least idea what was going on , and she was smiling into the night in enquiry and wonder , her brows arched halfway to laughter , her lips parted in a whimsical welcome to whatever might be pending .
7 To whom , he had not the least idea .
8 She opened her mouth and was ready with her invitation that they dine at her hotel , but as the thought that winged in from nowhere that Ven was probably hitting the high spots in Prague that night — and with some lovely Czech lady in tow , she would n't wonder — Fabia , with not the least idea of what a koliba was , promptly did a switch .
9 Worse , really , because with ageing there 's not the least possibility of a safe return .
10 For example , meteorological in the phrase meteorological expert can be , and will be , restrictive but , as we have shown in Chapter 2 , it is not to be ascribed to the entity of its head noun ; quite generally , there is not the least problem about using an associative adjective restrictively .
11 ‘ There comes ’ , he says , ‘ through his writings , not the least sense of the dialectical processes of social change , of ‘ revolutionising practice ’ . ’
12 I have come across deaf mutes educated by all systems , and as I have met and conversed with the deaf in various parts of Great Britain and Ireland , France , and the United States , I have not the least hesitation in saying that the combined method as advocated by Dr. E. M. Gallaudet before the recent Royal Commission certainly confers the greatest benefit upon the greatest number .
13 The ‘ explanation ’ raises many problems , not the least being why the symptoms should depend upon whether the temperature rhythm is delayed or advanced with respect to the sleep/wake rhythm .
14 Species that were numerous around the boat and which were caught for a cursory examination only ’ were released again alive , ‘ the operation ’ , Gould maintained , giving ‘ not the least pain to the bird , the point of the hook merely taking hold in the horny and insensible tip of the beak . ’
15 And what happens in actual human situations which are what get me , and I 'm going to give you three and I guarantee their genuineness you will doubt them all I have not the least fear but I guarantee you their genuineness , they come from the records of Age Concern Scotland of which I am the president .
16 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
17 Not the least power of a totalitarian state is the power to bore the people out of their right minds .
18 She had not the least interest in the fortunes of Italy , did not care that once more liberty and unity were the watchwords , and it astonished her that Mrs Browning could seem as anxious about war as she did about her sister 's health .
19 It is invariably used ironically by CD , cf. his essay ‘ The Noble Savage ’ ( RP ) : ‘ I have not the least belief in the Noble Savage .
20 Her face betrayed not the least preparedness to concede , to give up her role .
21 With a deficit of 552 and thirteen and a quarter hours left , obviously only the weather was going to save England , so there was not the least justification for the barrage of short balls that Holding and Roberts hurled at Edrich and Close .
22 In fact , however , international comparisons strongly suggest that it is not the most downtrodden and deprived who provide the most militant source of protest .
23 For those officials who remembered Harold Mark I in 1964 , he was not the same man ten years later .
24 I saw that she still wore an engagement ring , but she told me very quickly that her fiancé had been a bomber pilot and he was dead , and it was not the same man she had been engaged to when she joined up .
25 Sadly in his last years Markevitch was not the same man .
26 But I confess that I have not the same trust in some your peers .
27 ‘ There is not the same level of security force presence in loyalist areas .
28 Hang on , that 's not the same question as the environment .
29 The myth that a man makes has transformations according as he sees himself as hero or villain , as young or old , but it is essentially the same myth ; Tom Jones is not the same person , but he is the same myth as Squire Western ; Midshipman Easy is part of the same myth ; Falstaff is elevated above the myth to dwell on Olympus , more than a national character .
30 ‘ But I 'm not the same person .
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