Example sentences of "not the [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This is not the doctrine adopted by Finnis and I would have to show that the arguments applied here could be applied equally effectively to the very much more sophisticated account presented in Natural Law and Natural Rights .
2 Music was now for the young , not the middle aged : folk had taken over from jazz as the language of the radical and the sentimental .
3 With the exception of the use of nominalizations and a change from the past to the present tense , my suggested version is identical to the existing translation ( the present tense is the correct one to use here because it signals that the abstract reports the contents of the paper , not the procedures undertaken in the research — see discussion of tense as a signalling device in academic abstracts , Chapter 4 , section 4.2.4 ) .
4 Now a new book , The Reader 's Digest Family Guide to Alternative Medicine* , has been published to help you find out when alternative medicine may be helpful and whether or not the claims made are valid .
5 The corresponding Jamaican word is [ bada ] , with RP / / /d/ , but this is not the adaptation made by the speaker , who bases her adaptation on the London form " bovver " ( [ del> ] ) .
6 Therefore , he was not the genius depicted by Goebbels , and had ‘ intentionally unleashed this world conflagration in order to be proclaimed as the great ‘ transformer of mankind ’ ’ .
7 Yet can not the elder referred to in the example be said to have acted morally even though he did not adhere to the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence ?
8 Has not the Minister discussed with the chairman of British Airways the very large order for American planes with American engines ?
9 If that view were correct , it would appear to pre-empt Woolwich 's arguments in favour of a right to repayment arising at common law , though it is fair to say that this was not the position adopted by counsel for the revenue before your Lordships ' House .
10 Then Bernard suggested taking part himself , an idea which was vetoed however , as his was not the name associated with the company .
11 This is because the important factor is the frequency of repetition of the remedy and not the quantity given .
12 but it 's not the hexagon shaped one , it 's round and it 's got an orange lid on it and an orange side
13 It characterises capital instruments as a means of raising finance : an instrument may be within the definition whether or not the consideration given for its issue takes the form of cash .
14 These are not the accounts given by spectators and it is difficult to imagine them offering such accounts .
15 He is not the despot portrayed in the West .
16 Do not the figures given by my hon. Friend underline the point that many pensioners are well off — and we welcome that — and that that is a justification of the Government 's policy of targeting extra help on those who really need it ?
17 The tribunal will also have considerable discretion in deciding whether or not the reasons given are adequate .
18 It is not the ANDF selected by the Open Software Foundation .
19 You are not the user associated with the given Software Performance Report ( SPR ) or the username you have specified does not exist .
20 You are not the user associated with the given Software Status Report ( SSR ) or the username you have specified does not exist .
21 Had we emphasized not the choices made but the social rules followed by social actors , then a more collective account of social action would have emerged .
22 Gooch reached his half-century by pushing Waqar off his hip for four , and might have had four more had not the ball bobbled off the wretched Cornhill advertisement mat at straight-hit .
23 The demands of the king upon the realm for sacrifices and contributions towards the war effort would have been much less effective even than they were , had not the church acted as a kind of ministry of information and propaganda .
24 Where he might have been standing still had not the eagles lunged at him , as if moments before it fell they had sensed that some danger was there and had sought to protect him .
25 Have not the Government given the French-backed consortium a licence to print money ?
26 During his opening speech , I asked the Secretary of State a question to which he did not give a full or satisfactory answer — why had not the Government sought to introduce those measures before they privatised monopolies , rather than wait until the customers had suffered the consequences of several years of high prices and not necessarily improved services ?
27 No doubt the infant would have followed the adults down the well , too , had not the Padre offered to take the risk of burying it .
28 Egypt 's interpretation would increase the participants in all disputes by designating any protesting State a party , whether or not the actions protested against affected it directly .
29 ‘ The valuer advises whether or not the price agreed for the house is realistic , taking into account its repair and condition and the property market in general .
30 In contrast , an unavoidable cost is one that is going to be incurred whether or not the decision related to a particular opportunity is accepted or rejected .
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