Example sentences of "not a man [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The young man — not a man at all , in fact , but a boy dressed like a man , bearing himself like a man — made a strange gesture : holding one hand at head-height , he struck it with the other , palm against palm , a glancing blow .
2 For it was not a man at all who pulled back the door , but a well-built lady somewhere in her early fifties .
3 There were punks and Sikhs and he went to work with a postman who was not a man at all , but a woman .
4 Not a man on board could guess how he had killed the others .
5 You need gentleness tonight , not a man on the knife-edge of control . ’
6 Yet Leavis was in many respects not a man of his time ; though himself a dedicated university teacher , he was in spirit the last of the Victorian sages , who were men of letters and of affairs , not academics ( prescinding from Arnold 's and Ruskin 's marginal tenure of chairs at Oxford ) .
7 But even his critics admit that he is not a man of great ambition .
8 They regard the fusion as a sound investment and , although Unionist stock has appreciated greatly since the new issue , there is not a man of us who has the slightest intention of selling out .
9 Anyway , I 'm not a man of the disciplines .
10 Andrew was not a man of many pupils .
11 The Archdeacon was not a man of agile mind .
12 Not a man of common sense ? ’
13 He is not a man of esoteric tastes : his seem to accord with those one would associate with a long-distance lorry driver : lots of straight girlie magazines , only the more common perversions , e.g. , mild S & m .
14 I 'm not a man of all that much letters , though I like to think that I was fully capable of arranging Shakespeare for Ben 's A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
15 Norman McBeath is , as his name suggests a purebred Scot and not a man of Oxfordshire .
16 Carden Park is proof that 49 year-old Broome is not a man of compromises , though it is not his greatest project .
17 He was not a man to be taunted into action ; his function was to eject troublemakers .
18 Rufus soon regretted his indiscretion — Admiral Greave , not a man to be trifled with , cast him adrift on the planet Killey to collect rare and valuable crystals found on the surface .
19 Georgi Kirov was not a man to be overtly optimistic .
20 Mr Stenholm , not a man to be underestimated , presented his proposals for new cuts on May 18th .
21 Buxton was not a man to be deterred by the shipowners ' protestations that the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not only unrepresentative of seamen but would fail " to command support in the event of a decision of a conciliation board which did not secure the immediate approval of the persons affected " .
22 He was not a man to whom gracious speech came easily and his cheeks , roughened and weathered by years of riding on the open moor , twitched as he sought for words .
23 Tamburlaine is not a man to be dealt with lightly , because if he says something , he means it .
24 Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff , not a man to be seduced by charm alone , thought rather little of " Diffugere nives " , coupling it with another poem , the twelfth ode of the fourth book , and dismissing the pair alike as Frühlingslieder ( " unremarkable spring songs " ) , which Goethe , " " , ( " only remind us , like Goethe of old , " " and if time goes swiftly by , the seasons come again " " ) ( 1913 ) .
25 Chuck us a can , a man 's not a man without Scotsport .
26 Jamie was not a man for ‘ safe answers ’ .
27 The Reverend George Whitefield was not a man for jokes .
28 ‘ I 'm not a man for fancy living and fancy women .
29 As the bath filled she inspected the sparse supply of male toiletries , interested to find Penry Vaughan was not a man for sexy French fragrances .
30 David 's not a man for leaving work behind him at the end of the day .
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