Example sentences of "not and i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not and I tell you honest it 's , it is frightening me a bit .
2 NOT and I repeat NOT the main carriage , as someone I know once did !
3 We do not and I hope that the Minister will accept that we have stated repeatedly that we do not believe that the MacSharry proposals are good for British or European agriculture .
4 Yeah I do n't know , I 'm not and I 've
5 The problem is assessing whether they are going to change or not and I suppose I get criticised for being too tolerant at times .
6 Whether coming here or not and I do n't really think that , you know , coming back to it I do n't think he would fit in .
7 I think this test is equally app ] icable to the decision this court has to make whether a voidable contract has been affirmed or not and I have applied this test in reaching the conclusion I have just expressed .
8 The other districts have had plenty of opportunity to say so but they have not and I believe that can be taken that they are not favourably disposed to a new settlement within their district , regardless of whether they 're in favour of the principle of it .
9 I want to say no but I do n't and I throw her a coin , aiming for her gut .
10 Okay , maybe I should know all this by now , but I do n't and I bet there are a lot of new readers who also read the mag and in many of the reviews there comes a point where they say to themselves , ‘ what 's one of them ? ’
11 I mean I er er I mean I just do n't know how you , you begin and end with this actually I mean I really do n't and I mean I think quite frankly if Hydro Electric were to go out and say okay , we will fund the purchase of twenty houses four bedrooms each for the homeless right I would have thought in terms of doing something I mean I walk round Princes Street and I see those poor sods and I say to myself
12 I have n't and I 've I 've meant to , but
13 ‘ No , I do n't and I do n't want to , ’ she said crossly , ‘ I 'll be glad when they 've gone .
14 " No it has n't and I do thank you for your help .
15 ‘ I do n't and I do , if you see what I mean .
16 Everyone thinks I do n't and I do . ’
17 " But you do n't and I do n't hate you "
18 But I did n't and I daresay both wool and washing machines have improved over the years !
19 bores him , but he wo n't and then it pulls me , I want to do what the majority wants to do and then he do n't and I feel guilty cos I think oh I should be with him , but
20 ‘ But Rick did n't kill Angy , he swears he did n't and I believe him .
21 But suppose they were n't and I accuse him ?
22 The last superintendent said we ca n't and I think the point you 've raised is very valid since they actually stopped that facility said that they 're not allowed in there it has I think gone into a situation where it is n't a very quite place erm and there problems about what goes on there etc and I think need to look at it .
23 he obviously has n't and I think it 's really funny !
24 but you ca n't and I think it 's very wrong that one man should have , be almighty god really , do
25 well I do n't and I think I know
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