Example sentences of "not with a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The same idea can be used with contingency tables , but the effects are usually derived by making comparisons not with a typical value such as the grand median but with one of the categories that has been chosen as the base for comparison .
2 In the early seventies the court ( and the bazaar ) buzzed with stories that the Shah had fallen in love , not with a European but with a nineteen-year-old Iranian girl with dyed blond hair .
3 When the Newcastle goalkeeper rose to his feet after treatment , Mr Jones chose to re-start play not with a free-kick but with a drop-ball inside the penalty area .
4 Secondly , the two lines do track very closely together , but not with a twelve month lag as one might expect ; the two curves are almost superimposed .
5 Not with a wishy-washy kind of love , but with the strong love that has no favourites , does n't pamper or fuss , but in which children can feel secure .
6 But the essential point here , whether or not we describe it in terms of the network model , is that we are concerned not with a superficial survey of the communities , but with obtaining depth of coverage .
7 ‘ No , Adolph , not with a dangerous guerrilla like you to look after me . ’
8 She looked across at the film star , not with a great deal of pity .
9 But they argue that factors such as regional variations , better Tory organisation in marginal constituencies and the ‘ incumbency ’ factor where sitting MPs are defending seats , could result in the Conservatives ending up as the largest party , if not with a narrow overall majority .
10 The history of the Kilwinning papingo shoot is much longer and more interesting , The Ancient Society of Kilwinning Archers was formed in 1483 and is still in existence , although not with a continuous history .
11 Not with a big enough wage , that was the problem .
12 Right I will invite the deputy to an emergency meeting on this one subject not not with a big agenda like that
13 But not with a cold-hearted spinster from Northumberland .
14 Certainly not with a broken left arm and measles , as was the case with Gertrude .
15 In trying to meet his responsibility to govern , a president must deal not with a select group of leaders but with a multiplicity of party and committee leaders .
16 But he was n't going to risk going for the green in two — he 's a gambler , but he 's not stupid , not with a one-stroke lead — and so he hit a wedge for his second shot short of the lake and then a 155-yard 9-iron directly over the flag for his approach .
17 Not with a useless shoe that she , each step , was walking out of .
18 Not when we 're moving to a democracy , not with a multi-party system .
19 People want to hear you as they know you , not with a false accent .
20 for example , if you were sacked you can be prepared , not with a feeble-sounding excuse , ‘ The office manager and I did n't hit it off , he was a very difficult man ’ , but with a positive statement , ‘ Yes , the job did n't suit me and I was asked to leave but I was lucky enough to get a place on a word-processing course so I was much better prepared for my next job and I stayed for two years ’ .
21 Now when interest charges fall , the person who is buying the house benefits from the reduction in interest charges , but the person who is renting a house in local authority and then in this case nobody , nobody else in Harlow to rent it from , is faced with , not with a decreased monthly rental , but with an ever increasing one because as more and more Council houses are sold the cost of maintaining that there , the superstructure of the town , the cost of maintaining Council houses goes on increasing and so the burden is laid on the tenants and the tenant can find , will find himself that pound for pound increasing his rent while the house owner is decreasing his mortgage charges and at the end of the day the tenant is paying increased rent , increased rate and with nothing to show for it , erm , I 've always been in favour of a sale , of , of property er owner occupiers , but not at the expense of the people who can not afford to be owner occupiers , ah , to my mind , the present housing system is designed to maintain the existing class structure because even with the large discounts that one gets and nobody 's ever yet convinced me that why you should get a discount because you buy a Council house , but if you buy one privately owned you ca n't get a discount and it , there 's , this , this is so utter nonsense , but it is throwing a much heavier burden every time a house is sold on the remaining houses which are for rent , and so you that , although the idea is to make it a classless this society with more and more people owning their own properties the mo the mere fact that the majority of people in the town can not afford to buy even the reduced priced Council house , is an example that the , the system , the class system a division by income still exists .
22 Not with a red
23 Not with er not with a local authority pension , as far as I 'm aware .
24 Nonetheless , it was Major 's readiness to use this language ( which , interestingly , Mrs Thatcher , in her effluvial megalomania , regards as Marxist ) that allowed people to vote Conservative , albeit not with a clear conscience .
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