Example sentences of "not a end [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To return to the enjoyment of looking at gibbons , it will be agreed that it is not an activity separate from looking at them , not an end to which looking is the means ( as looking is the end to which visiting the zoo is the means ) .
2 To this great current of faith , life in this world was not an end in itself , but rather the prelude to the life to come .
3 Christian poverty is not an end in itself .
4 The appraisal interview is not an end in itself .
5 Increasing your bargaining power is not an end in itself but usually arises because you can not move sufficiently close to your opponent 's position to gain a settlement .
6 The fault lay with other clubs who responded to the devastating effectiveness of Arsenal 's attack merely by turning their centre-halves into stoppers , while failing to grasp that a sound defence was only the springboard to attack and not an end in itself .
7 It should help you if you think of discipline as a means to an end , not an end in itself .
8 Happiness is not an end in itself .
9 Material wealth is a means and not an end in itself — partners are interested in the quality of life for all , as well as the means of securing it .
10 However , the completion of the White Paper Programme and the achievement of the ‘ 1992 ’ objectives is not an end in itself , but rather the accomplishment of one important step in the creation of a truly unified European Economic Community .
11 It recognises that competition is not an end in itself by providing a procedure whereby , although certain agreements or arrangements may prevent , restrict or distort competition , they may none the less improve the production or distribution of goods or promote technical or economic progress to the benefit of consumers .
12 Speech is not an end in itself but is meant to convey something .
13 The monitoring process is not an end in itself , and the resulting audit identified training needs for trained and untrained nursing home staff .
14 A situation would arise in which the very order which is the objective of law would have to be violated in order to achieve that objective , and this is unacceptable since international law is not an end in itself , but an instrument to be justified largely by its contribution to the limitation of violence .
15 But the strength of the economy is not an end in itself .
16 Higher education was seen by them primarily as a means to an end , not an end in itself .
17 Communication here is a means to an end ( the acquisition of a true belief ) , not an end in itself .
18 Competition is not an end in itself .
19 ‘ These payments are not an end in their own right .
20 Working the 12 step Programme is not an end in itself but the method by which the sufferer is transformed from negativity to positively , from sickness to health and from a life of belligerence and blaming to a life that focuses upon creativity and an attitude of gratitude .
21 They are a means to an end , not an end in themselves ;
22 ‘ Financial reporting is not an end in itself but is intended to provide information useful for many purposes .
23 Travel is not an end in itself .
24 Only last weekend , the right hon. Gentleman said : ’ For socialists , constitutional reform is not an end in itself .
25 This week 's events in the Soviet Union were a salutary reminder that reform in the Community is not an end in itself .
26 It was a tactic , not a principle — and not an end in itself . ’
27 Two months later , the designation of a single leader was a means to that end , not an end in itself .
28 Teaching in role is a strategy , a means to an end ; it is not an end in itself .
29 egalitarianism and that how that increased production was seen as the you know , priority , and so perhaps they would want to just I mean it might seem appear that they were changing their policy to a more moderate land reform but this was not an end in itself it was a means to an end in order to increase production which would benefit the population as a whole , so it 's , they still had the same goal
30 It must however , be emphasised that these matters are not an end in themselves , but a means of enabling voluntary organisations to achieve their aims and objectives effectively , and I understand that that working party report will be published in February , and we all await it very much .
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